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Function creation

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The objective of the functions is to manipulate the values of the form fields, variables, expressions, as well as other functions, allowing, for example, rounding values in a decimal field, turning the text of a field into uppercase, adding days to date fields etc.


Create function

1.To create an expression, click on the plus button.


2.On the screen that will be opened, enter a name for the function.


3.In "Value source", define the value source and the field, the variable, the expression, the user data, the instance data, the date, or the time for the function. See further details in the "Value source" and "Function" tables below.


4.Click on "Save and close".






Form field

Select this option to use the value of certain form field in the condition.

It is possible to verify if the field has been filled out or compare the value of the field with another value, which may be a fixed value or the value of another form field.

Select the form field that will be used in the condition.

All form fields that can be filled out will be available for selection.

Select a function if it is necessary to refine or extract part of the value of the form field to be used in the condition. The function options vary according to the form field value type. See further details in the "Function" table.


Select this option to use a variable from the table in the condition.

Select the variable that will be used in the condition. All variables created in the table will be available for selection.

The function options vary according to the form table variable value type. See further details in the "Function" table.


Select this option to use a form expression in the condition.

Select the expression that will be used in the condition. All expressions created in the table will be available for selection.

The function options vary according to the form table variable value type. See further details in the "Function" table.


Select this option to use a form function in the condition.

Select the function that will be used in the condition. All functions created in the table will be available for selection.

The function options vary according to the form table variable value type. See further details in the "Function" table.

User data

Select this option to use the user data for the condition. The user data come from the workflow, incident or problem in which the form is being filled out.

Select which data of the user will be used in the condition. The user data that can be selected are: user ID, name, department or position.

The system makes available functions that allow manipulating text type value from the user data. See further details in the "Function" table.

Process instance data

Select this option to use the instance data for the condition. The instance data come from the workflow, incident, or problem in which the form is being filled out.

Select which data of the user will be used in the condition. The instance data that can be selected are: ID #, title, description, status, priority, activity data, requester data, or starter data.

The system makes available functions that allow manipulating text type value from the instance data. See further details in the "Function" table.


Select this option to use the current date (today) in the condition.

The condition may use the current date (dd/mm/yyyy).

There are functions available that allow extracting a certain value from the date (dd/mm/yyyy). It is possible to extract the day (dd), the month (mm) or the year (yyyy) from the date, obtain the weekday of the day (related to the year) or obtain the weekday that corresponds to the date. Note that all values obtained with the functions will be integer type values. See further details in the "Function" table.


Select this option to use the current time in the condition.

The condition may use the current time (hh:mm).

There are functions available that allow extracting a certain value from the time (hh:mm). It is possible to extract the hours (hh) or the minutes (mm) from the time, convert the time to minutes or convert the time to seconds. Note that all values obtained with the functions will be integer type values. See further details in the "Function" table.


Select the desired option to use the geolocation data in the condition.

The condition can use the longitude (degrees) or the latitude.

There are functions available that allow storing values related to latitude and longitude. These values can be stored in form fields and used in the integrations with map APIs.






Select this option to use the field text in uppercase in the condition.

Text, Paragraph, Option group and Simple list.


Select this option to use the field text in lowercase in the condition.

Text, Paragraph, Option group and Simple list.

Remove spaces

Select this option to use the field text without spaces among words, if any, in the condition.

Text, Paragraph, Option group and Simple list.


Select this option to use only the year (yyyy) of the date (dd/mm/yyyy) entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 31/12/2019, the condition will use the value 2019.



Select this option to use only the month (mm) of the date (dd/mm/yyyy) entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 31/12/2019, the condition will use the value 12.



Select this option to use only the day (dd) of the date (dd/mm/yyyy) entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 31/12/2019, the condition will use the value 31.



Select this option to use the day of the week of the date entered in the field in the condition. The days of the week will be returned as numbers for the condition, starting the count on Monday, that is, Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, Wednesday is 3, Thursday is 4, Friday is 5, Saturday is 6 and Sunday is 7.


Week number

Select this option to use the number of the week related to the year in the condition. For example, 40 indicates that the date is in the 40th week of the year. The week count starts on Monday, that is, the system considers the week to go from Monday to Sunday.



Select this option if it is necessary to deny the value to use it in the condition. For example, if the value is checked (true), the condition will use the unchecked value (false).



Select this option to use the absolute value of the number entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was -10, the condition will use the value 10, that is, |-10| = 10.

Decimal and Integer

Square root

Select this option to use the square root of the number entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 25, the condition will use the value 5, that is, v25 = 5.

Decimal and Integer


Select this option to use the factorial of the number entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 5, the condition will use the value 120, that is, 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120.

Decimal and Integer

Round up

Select this option to use the integer value rounded up of the number entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 7.1, the condition will use the value 8.


Round down

Select this option to use the integer value rounded down of the number entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 7.9, the condition will use the value 7.



Select this option to use the rounded value of the number entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 7.4, the condition will use the value 7; however, if the value entered was 7.6, the condition will use the value 8.



Select this option to use only the integer part of the number entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 42.22, the condition will use the value 42.



Select this option to use only the hours (hh) of the time (hh:mm) entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 15:26, the condition will use the value 15.



Select this option to use only the minutes (mm) of the time (hh:mm) entered in the field in the condition. For example, if the value entered was 15:26, the condition will use the value 26.


Convert to minutes

Select this option to use the total minute value of the time entered in the field in the condition.


Convert to seconds

Select this option to use the total second value of the time entered in the field in the condition.



Refer to the Examples section to view some examples for configurations of functions in the responsive form.