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Who receives it:

Note taker participant of the meeting.


The meeting scheduling is finished.

All mandatory participants confirm the meeting scheduling.

The minutes of a non-scheduled meeting are saved but are not sent to the next step.


To finish the minutes of a meeting, allowing users to make the necessary adjustments before sending it to the next step.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the desired meeting.



1_auxnmbMake sure that the meeting minutes are properly recorded. To do that, click on the edit toolbar button and perform the necessary adjustments on the data screen that will be displayed. The detailed description of the data screen of a meeting being recorded can be found in the Creating meeting minutes section. After entering the actual start and end date and time of the meeting, recording the subjects discussed and the decisions and actions taken regarding them and filling out the other required fields, save the record. At this point, the system will request the confirmation from the participants who have attended the meeting and it will ask if you wish to send it to the next configured step.



1_auxnmbTo finish recording the meeting minutes without accessing its data screen, click on the default button on the toolbar. On the screen that will be displayed, first, keep the participants who have attended the meeting enabled. Click on the toggle next to the name of the participants who have not attended the meeting.



The system will also ask whether you wish to send the record to the next step. Choose the desired option:

OK: The meeting will continue to one of the following steps:

Signature: If the "Wait until all participants have signed meeting minutes" option has been enabled, the Signature task will be generated for the meeting participants. If the "Send meeting minutes signature task only to the participants who have attended the meeting" option has also been enabled in the type, only the participants enabled in the previous step will receive the task.

Closure: If waiting for the minutes to be signed has not been configured, the meeting will be closed. It will be possible to search the minutes created by the note taker through the View arrowrgray Meeting menu.

Cancel: The meeting will remain pending with the Minutes status. The closure of the meeting minutes record can also be performed through the Management arrowrgray Minutes menu.


In order to successfully perform this operation, it is necessary to have at least one recorded subject and to have duly completed all requirements. If the "Require entering the subject decision" option has been enabled in the type, it will also be necessary to enter the decisions of all meeting subjects.

If the meeting whose minutes is being created went through the scheduling step, if it is necessary to return it to this step, simply select it in the list of records and click on the back button.