See how to edit other information about the activity or decision:
Enter a description for the activity/decision in question. The description given in this field will be displayed in the activity/decision execution screen in the SE Workflow, SE Incident or SE Problem component. Therefore, in this section can be described what must be done to perform the activity in question.
Use this section to set the configuration to be used for this activity or decision. For that, select one of the following options:
Use waiting time
If this option is checked, it will be possible to define the waiting time (time between enabling and starting an activity) and the working time for the activity. Thus, fill out the following fields:
▪Working time: Enter the number of hours that the activity lasts for. ▪Waiting time: Enter the number of hours that can be waited until the activity is started. Note: If this option is checked, the Fixed duration field will be disabled.
If this option is not checked, the activity will not have a closure deadline, or it may have a fixed duration.
▪No determined deadline: For the activity not to have a deadline, keep the Fixed duration field blank. ▪Determined deadline: For the activity to have a closure deadline, fill out the Fixed duration field with the estimated deadline for the duration of the activity/decision. This time can be given as: Hour(s)/Minute(s), Day(s), Week(s) or Month(s). |
Dynamic duration
Check this option to have the duration of activity to be set dynamically. The following options are available for dynamic duration:
▪Formula: If this option is selected, the duration of the activity will be defined by means of a formula. To do so, click on the button and enter in the formula editor, the rule that defines the activity duration. ▪Apply the same deadline as of the instance: If this option is selected, the duration of the activity will be the same duration defined for the process instance. |
If this option is not checked, the duration of the activity will not be defined automatically. If the activity must have a defined deadline, configure the desired time in the "Fixed duration" field.
Use process calendar
If this option is checked, the calendar set as default through the SE Administration component will be used to calculate the schedule of the activity/decision.
If this option is not checked, the Calendar field will be enabled and completing it will be mandatory. In this case, select the calendar that will be used to calculate the schedule of the activity/decision.
In this section, the costs for the execution of the activity/decision in question must be associated. See more details in the following sections:

Click on this button to add a cost for the activity/decision in question. On the screen that will open up, select the cost, the quantity, and the unit value of the cost being added.

Click on this button to edit the information about the cost of the activity/decision in question. Select the desired cost before clicking on the button.

Click on this button to delete a cost for the activity/decision in question. Select the desired cost before clicking on the button.
In this section, all inputs and outputs of the activity/decision in question must be associated. This section is divided into two subsections: Input and Output. See how to add materials and/or information to each subsection:
Process inputs can be materials, equipment, and other tangible assets, but they can also be information and knowledge. To create inputs, click on the button in the respective section, choose one of the options (Information or Material) and fill out the following fields:
Information/Material: Select the information/material* to be added to the activity/decision. Use the button located next to this field to add new records.
Supplier type: Set whether the information/material supplier is a department or a third-party entity.
Supplier: Select the name of the information/material* supplier according to the choice made above. If the third-party entity option was selected, use the button next to this field to add new records.
Storeroom: Select the storeroom where the information/material* will be stored. Use the button located next to this field to add new records.
Fields indicated with an asterisk (*) vary according to the option being associated (Information or Material).
Just as inputs, process outputs can also be materials or information. To create outputs, click on the button in the respective section, choose one of the options (Information or Material) and fill out the following fields:
Information / Material: Select the information/material* which comes from the activity/decision. Use the button located next to this field to add new records.
Supplier type: Enter whether the supplier type of the information/material* is a department or third-party entity.
Supplier: Select the name of the information/material* supplier according to the choice made above. If the third-party entity option was selected, use the button next to this field to add new records.
Storeroom: Select the storeroom where the information/material* will be stored. Use the button located next to this field to add new records.
Fields indicated with an asterisk (*) vary according to the option being associated (Information or Material).
Use this section to create the Critical Success Factors of the activity/decision in question. Critical success factors are created through the "File Critical success factor menu. Specific buttons:

Click on this button to associate a critical success factor to the process in question. On the screen that will be displayed, when you click on this button, locate and select the desired factors and save the selection. Hold the CTRL or SHIFT key or the checkbox next to each record, to select more than a record at a time.

Click on this button to delete the association of the critical success factor with the process in question. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on this button to view the critical success factor data. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.
In this section are presented the input and output flows of the activity/decision in question. Through this section, it is possible to edit the input flow or output flow data by changing, for example, the happy path type to exception path, thus associating the lean wastes with the route. See more details about this configuration in the Flows (connectors) section.
In the Analysis tool section, the user can inform of the analysis through the tools available on SE Suite: 5 Whys, FTA and Ishikawa. A new analysis may be created or an already existing analysis may be associated. To add an analysis, click on the desired tool: 5 whys, Ishikawa or FTA. To associate an already existing analysis, click on Associate.
The details on how to create a new analysis or associate an existing analysis may be found in the User guide Tools Analysis tools section.
In the Cause section must be associated the causes of the defects or problems of this activity/decision. To do that, click on the button and, on the screen that will open up, fill out the following fields:
Cause: Select the cause in the respective field and define whether it is the root cause or the potential cause of the defect or problem. Note: Causes created through the "File Cause" menu will be available; however, in this field, it is also possible to create a new cause if the user has access to the menu.
Percentage: Enter, in this field, the percentage of the selected cause in relation to generating the defect or problem in the activity/decision.
Department responsibility: Enter the department where the cause was generated.
Description: Describe the cause for the problem or defect in this activity/decision
In this section is displayed the process in which the activity/decision in question is being used. Click on the button to view the data of the selected process. Click on the button to view the flowchart of the selected process.
The resources required for executing the activity/decision in question should be associated in this section.

Click on this button to add a cost for the activity/decision in question. On the screen that will open up, select the resource and the number of resources being associated.

Click on this button to edit the information about the resource of the activity/decision in question. Select the desired resource before clicking on the button.

Click on this button to delete a resource of the activity/decision in question. Select the desired resource before clicking on the button.