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The General data screen displays the tools to manipulate the details of the record, divided in the following sections:


When accessing the scorecard and element details screen some options described in this section may not be displayed because they are specifically related to the indicator, but the description of the options that are displayed on these screens can be found below.

It is not possible to add panels to the History tab. Thus, when selecting this tab, some options on the toolbar will not be available.


Record data


Click on this button to add a panel that will list the indicators that make up the element whose details are being viewed and their information. The columns displayed in this panel will be those configured in the view profile applied to the scorecard.


Click on this button to add a panel that will list the elements that make up the scorecard whose details are being viewed and their information. The columns displayed in this panel will be those configured in the view profile applied to the element.


Click on this button to add a panel that will list the sub-indicators of the indicator whose details are being viewed and their information. The columns displayed in this panel will be those configured in the view profile applied to the indicator. This option will only be available if the indicator has sub-indicators.


Click on this button to add a panel in which it will be possible to view, add, edit and delete the comments made in the indicator whose details are being viewed.

If the selected tab is "Interval information", this panel will be available for viewing only. Through the "History" tab, it is possible to identify the authors of the comments made. By selecting the "Information of the period" tab, the panel will be enabled for editing.

To add a comment, click on the new button on the side toolbar and, on the screen that will be opened, enter a title and the period of the indicator to which the comment refers, and record the desired comment. After that, save the record. In order to successfully perform this operation, as well as editing and deleting comments, the user must have the Edit (Details) control allowed in the security of the indicator/element. The user will only be able to edit and delete their own comments.


Click on the arrow located below this option and select the alternative that corresponds to the type of event that you wish to create for the indicator whose details are being viewed. See the operations that may be performed in each panel in the Event section.


Click on the arrow located under this option and select the desired alternative:

Attachment: A panel will be added in which it will be possible to add, delete, download and view the attachments related to the record. For further details on how to add attachments to the record, see the Adding attachments section.

Document: This option will only be available if the SE Document component is part of the solutions acquired by the organization. A panel will be added in which it will be possible to add, delete, download and view the electronic file and the data of the documents related to the record. Refer to the Adding documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.

If the selected tab is "Interval information", these panels will be available for viewing only. By selecting the "Information of the period" tab, the panels will be enabled for editing.

Data per period

This option will only be available if the "Interval information" tab is selected in the lower part of the screen. Click on it to add a panel that will display the periods of the record and their respective information. The columns displayed in this panel will be those configured in the view profile applied to the record.

Click on the addfilter button, in the A column, to add comments, documentation, events and action plans related to the desired period. These operations will be described throughout this section.


Click on this button to access the target and measurement input screen of the indicator whose details are being viewed. See further details in the Target/Measurement section.



Click on this button to view the data of the scorecard, element or indicator whose details are being viewed.

View profile

Click on this button to access the data of the view profile associated with the scorecard, element or indicator whose details are being viewed.



Click on this button to add a panel that will display the chart of the indicator period values according to the interval set and the characteristics configured in the view profile applied to the indicator.


Click on this button to add a panel that will display the chart of the accumulated values of the indicator according to the interval set and the characteristics configured in the view profile applied to the indicator.

2nd Accumulation

Click on this button to add a panel that will display the chart of the values of the 2nd accumulation of the indicator according to the interval set and the characteristics configured in the view profile applied to the indicator. This option will only be available if the details of an indicator are being viewed.

Graph analysis

Click on the arrow located below this option and select the graph analysis related to the indicator you wish to view. Thus, a panel related to that graph analysis will be displayed. This option will only be available if the details of an indicator are being viewed and if graph analyses have been associated with it when adding it to the structure.

SE Suite2

Click on the arrow located under the Associations option and select the desired alternative:


This option will only be available if the SE Risk component is part of the solutions acquired by the organization and if the details of an element or indicator are been viewed. By clicking on it, a panel will be added in which the controls associated with the element/indicator will be displayed, in a plan of the scorecard with which it is associated.

Use the view button located on the side toolbar to view the data of the analysis of the control selected in the list of records. Note that the control will only be displayed in this section after releasing the revision of the risk plan of the scorecard to which the record belongs. Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Risk component for more information on risk and control analyses and plans.


This option will only be displayed if the details of an indicator are being viewed and there is at least one discussion topic related to it in the forum.

By clicking on it, a panel will be added in which the discussion topics related to the indicator will be displayed. Use the view side toolbar button to view the data of the selected topic.


This option will only be available if the SE Risk component is part of the solutions acquired by the organization and if the details of an indicator are been viewed. By clicking on it, a panel will be added in which the controls with which this indicator has been associated will be displayed in order to monitor its effectiveness (KCI).

Use the view button located on the side toolbar to view the data of the analysis of the control selected in the list of records. Note that the control will only be displayed in this section after the revision of the risk plan of the scorecard to which the indicator belongs is released.


This option will only be available if the SE Risk component is part of the solutions acquired by the organization and if the details of an indicator are been viewed. By clicking on it, a panel will be added in which the risks with which this indicator has been associated will be displayed in order to monitor the possibility of its occurrence (KRI).

Use the view button located on the side toolbar to view the data of the analysis of the risk selected in the list of records. Note that the control will only be displayed in this section after the revision of the risk plan of the scorecard to which the indicator belongs is released.

Action plan

This option is only available if the SE Action Plan component is part of the solutions acquired by your organization. Click on it to add a panel in which the action plans associated with the scorecard/element/indicator will be displayed.

If the panel is accessed through the "Information of the period" tab, it will also be possible to add and associate action plans with the record. To do that, use the options displayed in the upper part of the panel. After adding/associating the action plan, the structure of the plan in question and its actions will be displayed, allowing the user to view its information.

When positioning your mouse over the card of an action plan, you will be presented with the options that allow you to access the data of the action plan and disassociate it from the record. When positioning your mouse over the card of an action plan action, you will be presented with the options that allow you to access the action data and delete it from the action plan structure. Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Action Plan component for more details on plans and their actions.


This option will only be available if the SE Process component is part of the solutions acquired by the organization and if the details of an indicator are been viewed. By clicking on it, a panel will be added in which the processes associated with the indicator will be displayed.

Use the side toolbar buttons to view the data, flowchart, and the structure tree of the selected process. Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Process component for a detailed description of the screens that will be opened.


This option will only be available if the SE Risk component is part of the solutions acquired by the organization and if the details of an element or indicator are been viewed. By clicking on it, a panel will be added in which the risks associated with the element/indicator will be displayed, in a plan of the scorecard with which it is associated.

Use the view button located on the side toolbar to view the data of the analysis of the risk selected in the list of records. Note that the control will only be displayed in this section after releasing the revision of the risk plan of the scorecard to which the record belongs. Refer to the specific documentation of the SE Risk component for more information on risk and control analyses and plans.

1 - The panels related to these options will only be displayed in the "Interval information" tab

2 - All associations displayed in this section will be available for viewing in the "Interval information" tab. Only the "Action plan" association will be displayed and will be available for editing in the "Information of the period" tab.