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Survey structure

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When editing a survey, it is possible to configure the specific features of the structure. See below information and specific steps to configure the survey structure:



This option is displayed in the structure of the survey already added by the system. In it, it is possible to configure a message to be displayed for the respondents in the beginning of the answer of the survey.

To do that, select this option in the survey structure and click on the edit button on the side toolbar. On the panel that will be opened, enter the desired initial presentation. Use the buttons on the upper part to format the text:




Allows defining the font of the text that will be added or that is selected.


Allow formatting the text that will be added or that is selected with bold (B), underline (U) and/or italic (I).


Allow increasing and decreasing the size of the font of the text that will be added or that is selected.


Allow defining the font color and the background color of the text that will be added or that is selected.


Allow defining the alignment of the text of the paragraph.


Allows adding a link to the article. By clicking on this button, the system displays a screen to enter the link URL and the text to be displayed for the link.


Numbered lists are used to display steps of an operation.


Bulleted lists are used for information groups or sets.


Allows configuring the presentation in HTML language. By clicking on this option, the other buttons will be disabled.


Allows previewing how the entered text will be displayed for the respondents of the survey.


Allows removing any text formatting without losing the selected content.



The Section is used to group the questions to improve the organization of the survey. See below the steps to configure the features of a new section and of an existing section.


For a new section:

1.Click on the Section option. Then, the data screen will be opened.

2.In the General data, on "Click here to select an image", add an image to represent the section. The file must be in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp or .gif format.

3.On the Section field, enter a title for the section. Use the options in the upper part of the field to define the font, format the text, the font size, the font color and the background color and clear the formatting without losing the text.

4.In Description, enter a brief explanation about the section. Use the options in the upper part of the field to define the font, format the text, the font size, the font color and the background color and clear the formatting without losing the text.

5.Parameterize the following options related to the section being created:

Display questions randomly in this section: Check this option for the questions in this section to not be displayed in the exact order in which they are displayed in the structure.

Display answers randomly in this section: Check this option for the answers to the questions in this section to not be displayed in the exact order in which they are displayed in the structure.

Do not take into account the questions of this section for the final score1: Check this option for the answers given to the questions in this section not to be considered in the calculation of the test final score.

5.1_auxnmbSave the record, but do not close data screen. At this point, the other options will be displayed on the screen.

6.In the Question section, define the questions that will be part of the section being added. To do that, on the side toolbar, click on the new button to add new or previously created questions. Choose the Randomization1 option to configure that the questions in this section will be chosen at random by the system.

7.Click on the copy button to copy the question selected in the list of records. The question created from the copy will start with "Copy of" to be identified.

8.Click on the required button to check/uncheck the question selected in the list of records as required.

9.Click on the history button to view how the selected question will be displayed for the survey respondents.

10.Use the Preview option to view how the section will be displayed in the survey to be answered.

11.After performing the necessary configurations, save the record.


For an existing section:

1.Click on the Existing section option.

2.On the screen that will open, use the search filters to find the desired section through a keyword or through the survey to which it belongs.

3.1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the search button on the toolbar in the selection window.

4.According to the values entered in the filters, the available sections are displayed, grouped by the surveys to which they belong. Select the desired section. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys on the keyboard or check next to each record to select more than one section at a time.

5.Once done, save your selection.



To edit the data of a question, select it in the list of records and click on the edit button. To add a question to the structure, click on the new button on the toolbar. See below the steps to create a new question, an existing question, and a randomization, respectively1:


To create a new question:

1.On the screen that will be opened, define the Question type, as the type can change the way the question is filled out. By default, the pre-selected type will be Single selection > Vertical. According to the question type, the Matrix questions and Answers sections may be displayed.

2.On "Click here to select an image", add an image to represent the question. The file must be in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp or .gif format.

3.Enter the question you wish to create in the Question field. Use the options at the top of the field to format the question text.

4.Add the question to a section in the Section field. The field may be displayed as completed if a section has been selected in the structure.

5.If desired, classify the question in a group. In this case, select or add the desired question group to the Question group field.

6.Assign a degree of difficulty2 to the question if desired. In this case, select or add the desired degree of difficulty to the Degree of difficulty field.

7.Enter a Help text to record information that will help users when answering the question being added.

8.Enter the weight2 that the question will have at the time of composing the survey score.

9.Parameterize the following options related to the question:

Required: Answering the question will be mandatory to successfully finish the survey.

Conditional expression3: The Conditional expression option will be enabled for configuration in the question toolbar. See how to configure it below.

Do not consider this question for the final score3: This option will only be available if the "Evaluative question" option is enabled in the general survey data. The question will not be taken into consideration when composing the survey score.

Evaluative question4: It will be possible to define right answers for the question, among other information.

Do not consider this question for the final score4: The question will not be taken into consideration when calculating the survey score.

10. Use the Preview option on the toolbar of the question data screen to view how it will be displayed to be answered in the survey.


To configure a conditional expression:

If the mode is "Survey" and the respective option is enabled in the general question data, on the screen toolbar, the Conditional expression option will be displayed. Through it, it is possible to configure the condition for this question to be displayed in the survey. To do that, on the screen that will be opened, perform the following steps:

1.In the Group section, define the question and the answer that, when selected by the respondent, will ensure the question in question is displayed in the survey.

2.1_auxnmbTo add more than one condition in this group, click on the Add conditional expression option, select the AND/OR operator and, once again, select a question and answer that will condition the display of the question.

3.Use the trash button that will be displayed next to the conditional expression to delete it.

4.Use the Add group option to add another group of conditions for the question in question to be displayed. In that case, simply repeat the procedure described before. Use the Remove group option to delete the conditions group in question.

5.After assembling the desired conditional expression, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen. The configuration of a conditional expression can also be performed through the Conditional column in the list of records of the Section of the survey data screen.

Note: When defining a conditional expression, the question will only be displayed in the survey if the questions and answers defined in the conditional expression are selected.


To create an existing question:

1.Click on the Existing question option.

2.On the screen that will open, select the option that corresponds to the source of the question: Question database, Survey template, or Existing survey.

3.Then, use the search filters to locate the question through its text, through the group that classifies it, through the type that classifies the template, or through the template to which it belongs.

4.According to the values entered in the filter, the available questions are displayed grouped by the groups that classify them. Select the desired question. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys on the keyboard or check next to each record to select more than one question at a time.

5.Once done, save your selection.


To create a randomization1:

The screen to configure question randomization is divided in two columns:

1.The first column displays the question groups configured in the system. Select the group from which the system should choose the questions. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys on the keyboard or check next to each record to select more than one group at a time.

2.At this point, the second column will display the degree of difficulty and the number of questions of the selected group that have that degree. In the Qty. field, enter the quantity of questions from each degree of difficulty that the system must display for the respondent in the section.

3.After performing the necessary configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.


Thank you

In Thank you, enter a message to be displayed to the respondents when finishing the survey.

To do that, select this option in the survey structure and click on the edit button on the side toolbar. On the panel that will be opened, enter the desired message. Use the buttons on the upper part to format the text:




Allows defining the font of the text that will be added or that is selected.


Allow formatting the text that will be added or that is selected with bold (B), underline (U) and/or italic (I).


Allow increasing and decreasing the size of the font of the text that will be added or that is selected.


Allow defining the font color and the background color of the text that will be added or that is selected.


Allow defining the alignment of the text of the paragraph.


Allows adding a link to the article. By clicking on this button, the system displays a screen to enter the link URL and the text to be displayed for the link.


Numbered lists are used to display steps of an operation.


Bulleted lists are used for information groups or sets.


Allows configuring the presentation in HTML language. By clicking on this option, the other buttons will be disabled.


Allows previewing how the entered text will be displayed for the respondents of the survey.


Allows removing any text formatting without losing the selected content.

1 - It will only be available if the mode is "Test".

2 - It will only have an actual application in questions with the "Evaluative question" option enabled.

3 - It will only be available if the mode is "Survey".

4 - It will only be available if the mode is "Test".

The structure of a survey can be exported and imported to templates and other surveys through the respective buttons on their data screens and on the toolbars on the main screens.