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Sharing a portal

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The sharing option allows defining which users may edit and/or view the portal. However, in order to be able to share a portal, you need to have the editing and sharing permissions defined in the access group of which you are part. If you do not have the portal editing permission defined in your access group, it will be necessary to have the editing permission defined in the portal to be shared.


To share a portal, click on the "Share" option, which is displayed when clicking on the button of the card in the portal list, or click on the "Share" option displayed in the upper right corner of the portal screen.

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At this point, the portal sharing screen will be displayed. Define, in this screen, which users, departments, positions and/or teams will have permission to view or edit the portal.

Portal screen

Portal screen


Portal sharing options

Specific users

Use this option to select the specific users that will have access to the portal. For each selected user, define if the permission will be to edit or view the portal.


Use this option to select the departments that will have access to the portal. For each selected department, define if the permission will be to edit or view the portal.

Users that are part of the selected departments will have access.


Use this option to select the positions that will have access to the portal. For each selected position, define if the permission will be to edit or view the portal.

Users that hold the selected positions will have access.


Use this option to select the teams that will have access to the portal. For each selected team, define if the permission will be to edit or view the portal.

Users that are members of the selected teams will have access.


If this option is checked, the other options will be removed from the screen, as all system users will have permission to view the portal. On the displayed field, select the users, departments, positions and/or teams will have permission to edit the portal.


It is important to point out that the portal sharing rule will not be applied to its elements, that is, if the viewing of an analysis or an SE Analytics vision is configured in the portal, it will follow the security rule defined in the analysis.

Use the "Copy link" button to share the URL that allows accessing the portal. The link, however, will only be available for access by SE Suite users with permission to view the portal.


After performing the portal sharing configuration, click on the Share button.