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Associating a user with a functional role

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To associate a user with a functional role, locate and select the desired user in the second quadrant list of records and click on the new button on the toolbar. To edit an association, select the desired user in the second quadrant list of records and click on the edit button.


On the association screen, the following fields are available:






Displays the user selected for the association.

Functional role

Select the functional role that the user holds in the organization and that you wish to associate with them.

Default functional role

Check this option for the selected role to be considered default for the user. Users may take on several functional roles; however, only one will be their default role, i.e., the one that is exercised the most by them.


After filling out the required fields, save the record. This operation may also be performed through the "User" tab on the functional role data screen.