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The toolbar of the timesheet screen displays several buttons and menus divided in the following sections:




Click on this button to save the time entered in the objects in the list of timesheets. After clicking on this button, the system will ask if you wish to send them for approval. Click on the "Yes" option to confirm. In this case, the Timesheet approval task will be generated only for the objects of the timesheet list that has the timesheet approval configured, for the due responsible parties to perform this operation. By clicking on the "No" option, the timesheet will not be sent for approval, but it is possible to send it later, through the "Send to approval" option. Do not forget to save the changes to the timesheet before adding a new object or before viewing the timesheet of other dates (weeks).


Change resource

Click on this button to enter time in another resource. On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the resource you wish to enter time for. The system will only display the resources in which the logged user has permission to enter time. Save the selection. At this point, the system will display, in the list of timesheets, the tasks of the selected resource.


This button is only available when selecting, in the list of timesheets, a nonproject or project task or an isolated or action plan action. Click on the arrow located below it and select the desired option:

Task: The system will display the data screen of the selected object to allow entering its actual or finish its execution. Refer to the specific documentation of the component to which the selected object belongs for a detailed description on how to perform its execution.

Gantt chart: This option will only be displayed if a project task is selected in the list of timesheets. The system will open the GanttChart to execute the task. See more details on how to perform this operation in SE GanttChart.

Remaining effort: This option will only be displayed when selecting, in the list of timesheets, a task that belongs to a project with the Hours time format and whose scheduled calculation is based in the "Remaining effort (RE) = User inputs task closure estimate". On the screen that will be displayed, enter the remaining effort to complete the task.

Send to approval

Click on this button to send the time entered in the objects displayed in the list of timesheets to approval. Notice that the system will only send the objects that have a timesheet approval configured. In that case, the system will generate the Timesheet approval task for the due responsible parties.


This option will only be enabled to enter time in an object that has the "Overtime request is required" option checked on its data screen or its type. In that case, the system will display the data screen to issue the overtime request. Refer to the specific SE Request component documentation for more information on issuing requests.



Click on the arrow located below this button and select the corresponding option to add a project task, an isolated or action plan action, a meeting, a workflow, an incident, a problem, a Kanban task, a nonproject task, or a monitored event.

On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the object that you wish to add to the list of timesheets. If the "Add automatically to timesheet" option is not checked in the timesheet configuration on the type or the object data screen, it will be necessary to manually add the tasks performed in the current week to enter the time.


Note: If there already is a timesheet for the task, the system will list it in accordance with the selected period. Thus, the "Add" button is meant for adding tasks that are not yet on the list of timesheets.


Click on this button to edit the time entered in the object and day selected in the list of timesheets. This resource may only be used in timesheets that are not by schedule range and, in the case of overtime, that were not entered through a request.


Click on this button to delete a timesheet from the object and day selected in the list of timesheets. For the timesheet to be effectively deleted, it is necessary to confirm the question asked by the system.



Click on this button to navigate to a previous period than the one displayed in the timesheet list.


Click on the arrow located below this button and select the date in which you wish to view the timesheet.


Click on this button to navigate to a later period than the one displayed in the timesheet list.



Click on the arrow below this button and select the desired option: task (allows viewing the data of the monitored event, meeting, action, maintenance, nonproject task, project task, calibration or verification task selected from the timesheet list), object (allows viewing the project or action plan data, depending on the selected object from the timesheet list) and resource (allows viewing the selected resource data from the timesheet list).

Resource calendar

Click on this button to view the calendar of the logged user. See further details about the screen that will be displayed in the My calendar section.



Click on this button to import the timesheet of the objects displayed in the list of timesheets from an Excel spreadsheet (.xls). To do that, it is first necessary to click on the Export button and on the screen that will be generated, perform the desired timesheets. After that, click on this button and select the spreadsheet in question. The time entered in the spreadsheet will overwrite the timesheets displayed in the list of timesheets.


Click on this button to export the timesheet of the objects displayed in the list of timesheets to an Excel spreadsheet (.xls).


Click on this button to expand all object groupings displayed in the list of timesheets that are collapsed.


Click on this button to collapse all object groupings displayed in the list of timesheets that are expanded.

Display/Hide details

Click on this button to display or hide the quadrant at the bottom of the timesheet screen, where the timesheet per range and the details of the timesheet are located.


For the resources described above to work correctly, the involved components (SE Project, SE Action Plan, SE Asset, SE Calibration, SE Maintenance, SE Request, SE Kanban, SE Workflow, SE Incident, SE Problem) must be part of the solutions acquired by your organization and the user must have the due permissions (add, delete, edit etc.) enabled.