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Editing the APQP/PPAP activity data

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To edit the data for an APQP/PPAP activity, first select the desired activity. After that, click on the edit button. At this point, the APQP/PPAP activity data screen will be presented for editing.


It is worth remembering that in this menu will only be presented the activities in which the logged user has been defined as a drafter (specific user or team member).


General data

In this section, the system will display the form that requires two pieces of its information to be filled out during the execution of the activity. This information depends on the form associated during the APQP/PPAP planning. See below the description of the system default forms:


Appearance approval: This form is used to create appearance approval reports. A separate appearance approval report (AAR) must be filled out for each item or series for which a submission is required.

Submission certificate: This form is used to create production part submission certificates. The certificate is a standard industry document required for all products with a new or revised tooling, in which the supplier confirms the inspections and tests on production parts comply with the customer requirements. After all APQP steps are finished, the Submission certificate is filled out and the PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) is issued if the product/part has appearance requirements in the project record.

Design information checklist: This form is used to create project information checklists. This checklist assists in the evaluation process, ensuring all project information is taken into consideration.

Installation checklist: This form is used to create installation checklists. This checklist assists in the evaluation process, ensuring all information regarding facilities is taken into consideration.

Equipment, tools and test equipment checklist: This form is used to create new equipment, tooling, and test equipment checklists. This checklist assists in the evaluation process, ensuring all information regarding new equipment, tolling, and test equipment is taken into consideration.

Product/process quality checklist: This form is used to create product/process quality checklists. This checklist assists in the evaluation process, ensuring all information regarding product/process quality is taken into consideration.

Process FMEA checklist: This form is used to create process FMEA checklists. This checklist assists in the evaluation process, ensuring all information regarding the process FMEA is taken into consideration.

Design FMEA checklist: This form is used to create design FMEA checklists. This checklist assists in the evaluation process, ensuring the appropriate characteristics of the project were taken into account.

Process flowchart checklist: This form is used to create process flowchart checklists. This checklist assists in the evaluation process, ensuring all information regarding the process flowchart is taken into consideration.

Control plan checklist: This form is used to create control plan checklists. This checklist assists in the evaluation process, ensuring all information regarding control the plan is taken into consideration.

Team feasibility commitment: This form is used to enter information regarding the team feasibility commitment. This form refers to a commitment made by the product quality planning team that the project may be manufactured, assembled, tested, packed, and delivered in sufficient quantity, at an acceptable cost and within a deadline.

Flow chart: This form is used to associate the processes related to the item being studied. The flow chart allows analyzing the process as a whole and not only its individual steps. Through this form, it is possible to link processes with the item, view its flowchart, and define the symbol for its activities. To use the Flow Chart form, SE APQP/PPAP must be integrated with the SE Process component.

Performance test: This form is used to create the performance tests for the characteristics of the item being studied. The organization must conduct performance tests on all products or parts that contain performance or functional requirements specified in the product development or in the control plan.

Dimensional test: This form is used to create the dimensional tests for the characteristics of the item being studied. The organization must provide evidence that the dimension checks required in the product development or in the control plan were performed and that their results are in conformity with the definitions in their requirements.

Material test: This form is used to create the material tests for the characteristics of the item being studied. The organization must conduct material tests on all parts or products that contain chemical, physical, or metallurgical requirements specified in the product development or in the control plan.

MSA study: This form is used to create measurement system evaluations. The specified measurement devices and methods must be used to verify the characteristics identified in the control plan in relation to the engineering specifications and be subjected to measurement system evaluations. To use the MSA study, SE APQP/PPAP must be integrated with the SE MSA component.

Capability study: This form is used to create capability studies. The preliminary capability study must be conducted for all the variable characteristics of the item. Through this study, it is possible to evaluate, statistically, the capability of the process to manufacture the product within the specification.

Process FMEA: The Process FMEA (PFMEA) must be conducted during the quality planning of the product and before to the start of production. This is an analysis and revision of process and is conducted to anticipate, solve, or monitor potential process issues for the new and/or revised product program. PFMEA is a document and needs to be analyzed critically. It must be updated just as new failure modes are found. To use the Process FMEA study, SE APQP/PPAP must be integrated with the SE FMEA component.

Design FMEA: The Design FMEA (DFMEA) is an analytical technique that assesses the probability of failures as well as the effect of such failure. The DFMEA is a living document continuously updated according to the customer needs and expectations. To use the Design FMEA study, SE APQP/PPAP must be integrated with the SE FMEA component.

GM1411 - Interim recovery worksheet: When a part meets all the requirements described in the design approved by GM and in accordance with the PPAP, it is said that the piece was granted "full approval"; however, when the part does not meet the requirements, the "interim recovery" authorizes its shipment to the customer. That way, the "interim recovery" indicates the customer decision to use the part without "full approval". This approval, then, requires a corrective action plan, that is, the Interim recovery worksheet (GM 1411), which must be filled out by the supplier.

Characteristics matrix: This form is used to create characteristic matrices. The characteristic matrix shows the relationship of the characteristics with the study item, as well as the processes and activities related to this item.

Symbol x customer matrix: This form is used to create symbol x customer matrices. The symbol x customer matrix shows the relationship of the symbol of special characteristics used internally in relation to the symbols used by the customer.

Control plan: This form is used to create control plans, that is, plans that should be used during the product production. Though this plan, it is possible to track the specifications at every step of the process and pre-define the actions related to deviations.

Product quality planning summary and sign-off: This form is used to create product quality planning approval summaries. The purpose of this critical analysis is to keep the upper management informed about the program status and obtain their commitment to assist in the resolution of any pending task.

VDA - Cover sheet: VDA is a standard developed by the German automotive industry and is used to choose suppliers, define quality assurance agreements, release and approve the production process, product, and quality performance in series production. The VDA aims, then, at providing the fundamental criteria to prove the supplier is able to provide quality products according to the defined requirements. That way, the VDA - Cover sheet is used to summarize the tests conducted on the item characteristics.

VDA - Initial sample inspection: Samples are product evidences with which it is possible to verify whether the stipulated conditions were or were not met. This section is used to perform the inspection of original samples, that is, products and materials that are produced with facilities/production equipment on series production conditions.


This section will only be displayed if APQP/PPAP has an activity with the Control plan form.


This sub-section will display the APQP/PPAP item characteristics. If necessary, through this section, you can add new characteristics or associate existing features in the item associated with the APQP/PPAP in question.

Item x Process

This sub-section will display the characteristics associated with the activities of the process related to the APQP/PPAP item that contains the activity in question. If necessary, through this section, you can add new characteristics or associate existing features in the item associated with the APQP/PPAP in question.


In this sub-section, the characteristics of the processes related to the APQP/PPAP item will be displayed.



Opens the data screen of the APQP/PPAP that contains the activity in question.

Item data


Opens the data screen of the APQP/PPAP item that contains the activity in question.

Process flowchart


It will only be displayed for activities that have the Control plan form. It opens the process flowchart screen associated with the APQP study item that contains the activity in question.




Associate, in this section, the attachments related to the APQP/PPAP activity in question. Refer to the Adding attachments section for further details on how to add and/or associate attachments.


Add or associate, through this section, the documents related to the APQP/PPAP activity in question. Refer to the Adding documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.



This section will only be displayed if the APQP/PPAP activity execution approval step was configured. This section will display the members of the route responsible for the APQP/PPAP approval.



It makes available report options that may be issued for the activity in question. The system will also make available an option that allows configuring a new report or associating an existing report.



This section is displayed only when the execution activity has the Control plan form. When clicking on this button, a screen that allows you to export the Control plan form as an Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx) will be displayed.


After you have completed all the necessary information about the APQP/PPAP activity, save the record. See the procedure to finish the APQP/PPAP activity in the Finishing the APQP/PPAP activity section.