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Audit closure

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Audit closure

Who receives it:

Members of the team responsible for the audit, auditor, or lead auditor, as defined in the audit category.


After finishing/approving the audit execution.


To verify whether the audit was properly performed.


How to execute this task:


1.Select the audit that will be finished from the list of pending records.


2.After that, click on the toolbar button.


3.On the audit screen that will be displayed, enter the actual date of the execution of the closure step. Refer to the Planning a new audit section for a detailed description of the audit data screen.


4.To end this step, click on the Save and exit button on the audit data screen or the button on the main screen toolbar. The audit will be effectively closed, or if it is configured in its category that this step will go through approval, the system will generate the Audit approval task for all the responsibility route members for this operation.