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Evaluation plan execution

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Evaluation plan execution

Who receives it:

Users defined as members of the team responsible for the evaluation plan execution.


The planning of the evaluation plan cycle is finished.

The input of an evaluation plan cycle is performed in the execution step.


To allow the responsible parties to start, edit the employees and appraisers and finish the evaluation plan execution.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the desired evaluation plan.



1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the default button on the toolbar. At this point, the system will display the data screen of the evaluation plan execution.



If the status of the selected evaluation plan cycle is "Start", in the General data arrowrgray Actual section, enter the survey execution start date. If desired, it is also possible to edit the responsible team for execution. The other fields on the screen will be displayed with the information filled out when planning the cycle.

After saving the record, if the evaluations have not been generated, it will be possible to perform this operation, as well as to enable the Evaluation preparation and Evaluation execution tasks according to the configurations performed in the plan.

See a detailed description on how to start the execution of a training in the Starting the execution of an evaluation plan cycle section.



If the evaluation plan cycle is already under execution, it is possible to edit the evaluated employees and appraisers, as well as to track the evaluations. See more information on these operations in the Managing the execution of an evaluation plan cycle section.



If the "Allow finishing the evaluation plan automatically when finishing all the evaluations" option has not been enabled in the evaluation plan cycle data, this operation must be performed manually. In this case, fill out the End field of the General data arrowrgray Actual section with the date in which the cycle closure is being performed. Next, click on the Save and next step button. The system will ask whether you wish to send the plan to the next step. Click on the desired option:

Save only: Allows saving the execution data from the evaluation plan and keeping it with the "Execution" status.

Confirm: Allows finishing the evaluation of the evaluation plan cycle. The evaluation plan may only be finished successfully if all the evaluations related to it were also finished.


If, when creating an evaluation plan, it is set that the frequency of the execution will be by the "Execution date", after finishing the plan, the system will generate the Evaluation plan start task for the due responsible parties, in accordance with the configured frequency and anticipation.

If the frequency type configured is "Uncontrolled frequency", it will be possible to add a new execution cycle in the planning or execution step.

If the "Allow finishing the evaluation plan automatically when finishing all the evaluations" option is enabled, when all evaluation plan cycle evaluations have been finished, it will also be closed by the system.