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Variable creation

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Variables are hidden fields in the form table that, after being created, may have values set for them, allowing them to be used in expressions, functions, replacing other table fields etc.


To have access to the form variables, open the responsive form designer and access the "Variables" tab. See below how to create variables:


Create variable

1.To create a variable, click on the plus button.


2.On the screen that will be opened, enter a name for the variable.


3.Select the table field that will be used to save the value of the variable.


4.Click on the "Save and close" button to finish creating the variable.


Define value in a variable

To assign a value to a variable, it is necessary to execute a dataset. To do that, execute the following steps:

1.In the Rules tab, create the Execute dataset (Add action arrowrgray View all actions arrowrgray External data arrowrgray Execute dataset) action.


2.Configure the data source according to the steps described in the Rule configuration (Execute dataset) section.


3.The "Persist info" section will list the columns of the query (Query/SQL) of the previously selected dataset. Check the columns that will be persisted and configure a variable for each field.


4.Click on "Apply" to save the configuration of the dataset execution action.




Refer to the Examples section to view some examples for configurations of variables in the responsive form.