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Evaluating a process

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The process evaluation aims to identify the critical company processes. In order for the processes to be evaluated, first, it is necessary to configure in the general parameters the evaluation method that will be used in process evaluations.


To evaluate a process, first locate and select the desired process through the "File arrowrgray Process" menu. Then, open the data screen of the process that will be evaluated. In the General data section of the process, the Process evaluation section will be displayed. This section will vary according to the Evaluation method configured in the general parameters:


If the type of the process to be evaluated has ISO9000 based or Workflow revision control, it will only be possible to evaluate the process during the Process revision. In this case, it will be necessary to create a revision for the drafters to evaluate the process.

If the type of the process to be evaluated has a Simplified revision control, it will be necessary to enable process editing.




To perform the evaluation, click on the Evaluate process button, located in the Process evaluation section. At this moment, the process evaluation screen will be displayed.


Matrix evaluation

Matrix evaluation


On the Result tab of the Details section, perform the process evaluation. The evaluation will vary according to the Evaluation method configured in the general parameters. Therefore, here is how to perform the evaluation for each of these methods:


hmtoggle_arrow1Quantitative evaluation
hmtoggle_arrow1Qualitative evaluation
hmtoggle_arrow1Matrix evaluation type
hmtoggle_arrow1Quantitative and qualitative evaluation
hmtoggle_arrow1Qualitative matrix evaluation
hmtoggle_arrow1Quantitative matrix evaluation


After filling the values of each criterion, the result obtained will be displayed in the Result field. The following tabs will be displayed in the Details section:

Attribute: This tab will be displayed only if the evaluation method configured in the general parameters has any associated attributes.

Explanation: Use this tab to enter an explanation for the evaluation.

Attachment: Use this tab to associate the attachments relating to the evaluation being performed. Refer to the Adding attachments section for further details on how to add and/or associate attachments.

Document: Use this tab to add or associate the documents related to the evaluation being performed. Refer to the Adding documents section for further details on how to add and/or associate documents from SE Document.


After filling in all the necessary information, save and close the screen.