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Creating a status

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To create a status, in the main screen toolbar, click on the button.


Fill out the ID # and the name of the status on the data screen that will be opened:





Select, in the Component field, the "Audit" option. The other fields will be filled with the object, "Audit", and with the operation to be performed, "Audit project". In the Icon field, select an image that will represent the status. For this resource to work correctly, it is necessary for the SE Audit component to be a part of the solutions acquired by your organization.

Save the record; however, do not close the data screen. At this point, the Control tab will be enabled for completion.


Check the options that correspond to the information that must be displayed as columns in Gantt and as fields in the project task data screen with this status associated.


After filling in all the necessary fields, save the record.