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On the toolbar of the program schedule, the user can find several buttons and menus divided in the following tabs:




This is the vision parameterized in the view profile for programs configured by default in the system. In the "Program" panel the system will display the columns parameterized in the Customize tab of the vision data screen. If a customized view profile is associated in the program type or during the inclusion of the program, the Vision and the columns that it will display will vary according to the configurations performed on it. To switch between visions, click on the arrow located below the current vision and select the desired vision.


Click on the arrow located below this option to view, in the Gantt panel, the comparison between the project/program duration with its planned, rescheduled, and performed range.


Click on this button to view the information of the summary of projects and programs selected in the structure, with no need to access their data screen. To do that, after selecting the project/program, click on the arrow located below this option and select the option corresponding to the information you wish to view. Use these arrows present at the top of the screen that will be displayed, to navigate to the previous field or to the next field from the table of contents, or to view the information of another program/project structure.


Click on the arrow below this option to add a:

Project: On the screen that will be opened, locate and select the projects you wish to add to the program and save the selection. Use the CTRL or SHIFT key on the keyboard or the checkbox next to each record to select more than one project at a time.

Recurring project: The wizard for the creation of the recurring project will be opened. Select the recurring project addition type: From template or From existing project. View the respective sections for further details on adding projects. Note that it will not be possible to meet requests through recurring projects.

Program: On the screen that will be opened, locate and select the program you wish to add to the program and save the selection. Use the CTRL or SHIFT key on the keyboard or the checkbox next to each record to select more than one program at a time. The programs will be associated as subprograms.


This button will only be displayed if the program has a recurring project in its structure. In this case, select the recurring project in question and click on this button to edit the responsible, the recurrence pattern and the range of recurrence. On the lower part of the screen, it is also possible to select the corresponding option to delete the recurring project (which will be removed from the program structure and its record will be deleted from the system) or disassociate it from the program (the project will be removed from the program structure, but its record will continue to exist in the system like a regular project).


Click on this button to delete the selected program or project in the Program panel, disassociating it from the program in question. If a recurring project is selected in the chart area, the system will request which operation you wish to perform with the project in question: Disassociate (the project will be removed from the program structure, but its record will continue to exist in the system like a regular project), Delete (the project will be removed from the program structure and its record will be deleted from the system) and Cancel (no operation is performed and the screen is closed).


Click on the arrow located below this option and check the options that correspond to the set of pre-configured columns with specific information on the elements that compose the program structure, which will be displayed in the Program panel. For a set not to be displayed, keep the corresponding option unchecked.


Click on this button to navigate to a previous period to the one displayed in the Gantt panel.

Selected record

Click on this button to quickly return to the period of the record selected in the Program panel.


Click on this button to navigate to a period subsequent to the one displayed in the Gantt panel.


Click on this button to view the data screen of the project or program selected in the Program panel.


Click on the arrow located below this option and select the information you wish to view: SE GanttChart (this option will only be enabled if a project is selected in the Program panel) and Schedule (the project or program schedule according to the element selected in the Program panel will be displayed).


Click on this button to increase the time scale in the Gantt panel, that is, to view the duration period of the projects and subprograms in more detail. This operation may also be performed through the zoom slider control.


Click on this button to reduce the time scale in the Gantt panel, that is, to view the duration period of the projects and subprograms in less detail. This operation may also be performed through the zoom slider control.

Fit to window

Click on this button to adjust the time range in the Gantt panel to the panel size.


On the screen that will open, use the View field to define which information will be displayed on the left and right side of the bar that represents each project/subprogram in the Gantt panel.


Save vision

Click on this button to save the customizations performed in the vision being used in the schedule. It is important to note that when saving these customizations, they will only be applied to the logged-in user, i.e., they will not be replicated to the visions of the view profile associated with the program.


Click on this button to restore the vision displayed in the program schedule to the configurations and parameterizations set in its record.