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Editing plan data

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To edit the data of a risk plan, select it in the main record screen and click on the button.


If the record to be edited is under the "Current" status and the revision template configured in its type is "simplified", when opening the data screen for this record, it will be necessary to click on the "Add new revision" option to allow editing it. See further details in the Enabling and releasing changes in the plan section.

If the ISO9000 based revision template is configured in the type, it will be necessary to click on the "Add new revision" option. See further details in the Enabling and releasing changes in the plan section.

If it has been configured in the type that the plan will be revised, and the revision process is by Workflow, the system will question if you wish to instantiate the process. Click on OK. At this point, the workflow ID # will be informed and the activities will be sent to the appropriate executors. The system will also open the data screen for the creation of the plan revision, so that the necessary data is informed. Refer to the Revision section for further details on the configuration and revision creation by workflow.


General data
Advanced options
SWOT analysis
Plan structure


Once done, assemble the structure of the created plan. To do that, select the plan from the list of records on the main screen, and click on the button. Refer to the Assembling the plan structure section for details on how to associate risks, controls and elements with the plan structure.