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Revising supplies

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See a quick and easy way of executing the revision of a supply in the "Execute the supply revision" topic of the SE Supply Quick Guide!


Use the Search filters panel to locate the supply that will be revised more easily. Remember that the supply status must be Released.


This section will describe the necessary steps to create a revision by using the ISO9000 standard. The data screen to create revisions controlled by a Workflow is quite similar, but there are some differences. Because of that, the description will be made only once, and identifying where they differ.


Select it and click on the button of the toolbar. In the window that will open up, the Supply type, ID #, Supply and Revision fields will appear filled out with the information regarding the supply in question.



Click on the button to record the new revision. The following tabs will be available to be filled out:




Click on the button to record the changes made in the revision data.

After entering the necessary fields, click the button to send the revision to the responsible parties.

Refer to the Supply revision section for further details on how to perform this operation.