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User profiles



In order to meet the specific needs of every company, SoftExpert products offer three profile options: Manager, Staff and View. All system menus are enabled based on access rights set for each user.



The user who has "Manager" license will have total access to the component, that is, the user will have access to all component menus. This profile allows user to conduct a manager tasks, such as: analyze and plan objectives; organize and design resources (financial, technological or human resources); make decisions; evaluate and control/track. This profile, in addition to the permissions assigned to the manager, contains the permissions of "Staff" and "View" profiles.



The user who has "Staff" license will have intermediate access to the component, that is, the user will have access only to some component menus. This profile allows the user to execute tasks that have been planned by manager. This profile, in addition to the permissions assigned to the executor, contains the permissions of the "View" profile.



The user who has "View" profile will have limited access to the component, that is, they will have access only to some component view menus.