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Checking an asset in from calibration

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See how to check an asset in from calibration:


1.On the main screen, locate and select the asset that will be checked-in from calibration.


2.After that, click on the toolbar button.


3.Fill in the following fields on the data screen that will be displayed:



Check-in date: Enter the actual date of the asset return. The system automatically fills in the current date, but it is possible to edit it.

Check-in time: Enter the time of the asset return. The system automatically fills in the current time, but it is possible to edit it.

Condition: Click on the button and on the screen that will open, select in which condition the asset is found as well as the necessary comments. The possible conditions are created through the SE Asset component. Remember that this field will be disabled if the quantity of the asset in question is greater than 1.

Certificate: Click on the button to view the asset calibration certificate.

Action: Select the action that will be taken on the return of the asset:

Enable for use: Select this option so that, once the record is saved, the asset is again available for use.

Send to maintenance: Select this option to send the asset for maintenance. At this point, the "Maintenance record" task will be sent to the users of the asset team. Remember that this task is executed through the SE Asset component.

Disable asset: Select this option so that, once the record is saved, the asset is deactivated from the system, that is, it can no longer be used.


4.Use the Asset tab to select the changes that were made to the asset location.


5.The Check-in cost tab will only be enabled after the filling in of the Check-in date field. This tab displays all the costs that were associated with the asset event. Then, for each displayed cost, it is necessary to enter a value in the list of records itself.


6.The Attribute tab displays all the attributes that have been associated with the asset event. Thus, required attributes must, necessarily, have their values filled in. For that, enter them in the list of attributes itself.


The attribute association with the asset movements is done through the "File Event configuration" menu of the SE Asset component.


7.Use the Comments tab to enter general comments about the check-in from calibration referring to the asset.


8.Save the record.