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Web Service configuration

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See below how to configure the use of process attributes in a Web Service data source. The attributes may be used both in the input and output of the Web Service values. See further details below:


The configuration described in this section uses, as an example, the Web Service of the Brazilian company Correios, which is a federal public company responsible for sending and delivering mail in Brazil.


First, it is necessary for the process to have attributes and that the flowchart is already modeled with a system activity. Access the data of the system activity through the flowchart, check the "Web Service" option and click on the "Web Service configuration" button.





At this point, the wizard to configure the use of external data will be displayed:


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 1 - Data source
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 2 - Method
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 3 - Parameters
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 4 - Return
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 5 - Exception treatment
hmtoggle_arrow1Step 6 - Summary


The configuration presented in the previous steps was applied to the "Run Webservice" activity of the following flowchart configuration. See the details of the Web Service operation:

