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Location: View Project



Use this menu to view all the projects saved in the system, regardless of their status, and analyze their deadline indicators, resource and result, the CPI, SPI, and HPI indexes, among other information. Through the field located in the upper right part of this menu, it is possible to alter the search view between:

Summary: Displays information regarding deadline, prioritization and performance index.

Details: Displays all the information of all visions.

Time: Displays the number of allocated and registered hours.

Cost: Displays information regarding budgeted, planned, rescheduled, actual and result.

Revenue: Displays information regarding budgeted, planned, rescheduled, actual and result.

Revenue: Displays information regarding the budgeted, planned, rescheduled and actual totals and the gross margin.


Specific buttons:

Click on this button to view the data of the project selected in the list of records.

Click on the arrow next to this button and select the desired option to view the SE GanttChart or project schedule selected in the list of records.

Click on the arrow located next to this button to use the Analytics resource to analyze the search result.

Click on the arrow located next to this button to configure and issue the projects, project tasks reports and other options available for the menu in question.

Click on this button to export the GanttChart of the project selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to view the WBS of the project selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to view the OBS of the project selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to edit the communication plan of the project selected in the list of records. Through the screen that will display, it will be possible to view the team data and communication matrix, and view the forums related to the selected project.

Click on this button to view the risk plan created for the project selected in the list of records. Note that this button will only be enabled for projects that have a risk plan. Refer to the SE Risk component specific documentation for further details about risk plans.

Click on this button to view the progress chart of the project selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to view the progress chart of the tasks of the project selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to three quadrants. After selecting this option, the third quadrant displays the schedule and the details of the project selected in the list of records of the second quadrant.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to two quadrants.


Use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. To use such filters, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add filters.


For further details about the "Search panel" and other view operations, refer to the "User guide Views" section.


Project period
Project attributes
Display attributes


After entering the required filters, click on the SEARCH button on the Search filters panel or press ENTER on the keyboard to perform the search. The result will be listed on the right side of the view screen.