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Adding a question

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Questions can be added through the following locations:

File arrowrgray Question menu:

a.By clicking on the new button on the main screen toolbar.

b.Select the Question option.

Management arrowrgray Survey planning menu:

a.By selecting a survey under the "Planning" status and clicking on the edit button.

b.On the survey data screen, access the Section section.

c.Click on the new button on the side toolbar and select the Question option.

My tasks arrowrgray Survey planning menu:

d.By selecting a pending survey and clicking on the default button.

e.On the survey data screen, access the Section section.

f.Click on the new button on the side toolbar and select the Question option.


On the screen that will be opened, perform the following steps:


1.Determine the question type, as the type can change the way the question is filled out. By default, the pre-selected type will be Single selection > Vertical.

2.On "Click here to select an image", add an image to represent the question. The file must be in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp or .gif format.

3.On the main upper field, enter the desired Question. Use the options on the upper part of the field to format the text.

4.If the question is being created in the survey structure, add it to a question section, in the Section field. The field may be displayed as completed if a section has been selected in the structure.

5.Add the question to a question group to classify it if desired. Simply select the desired group or add a new one.

6.Assign a degree of difficulty1 to the question if desired. Simply select the desired degree or add a new one.

7.Enter a Help text to record information that will help users when answering the question being added.

8.If desired, enter the weight2 that the question will have at the time of composing the survey score.

9.Finally, define the following parameters for the question:

If it is being added through the File menu

Required: Answering the question will be mandatory to successfully finish the survey.

Evaluative question [test mode]: The question will be used only in test mode surveys. That way, it will be possible to define right answers for it, among other information.

Allow attachments when answering the question3: When answering a question, it will be possible to add an attachment..

Require the completion of the attachment when answering the question4: When answering the question, it will be required to add an attachment.


If it is being added directly to the survey structure

Required: Answering the question will be mandatory to successfully finish the survey.

Conditional expression5: The Conditional expression option will be enabled for configuration in the question toolbar. See how to configure it below.

Do not consider this question for the final score5: This option will only be available if the "Evaluative question" option is enabled in the general survey data. The question will not be taken into consideration when composing the survey score.

Evaluative question6: It will be possible to define right answers for the question, among other information.

Do not consider this question for the final score6: The question will not be taken into consideration when calculating the survey score.

11. After filling out the required fields, save the record. Use the Preview option on the toolbar of the question data screen to view how it will be displayed to be answered in the survey.


According to the previously defined question type, the "Matrix questions" and "Answers" sections may be displayed.

1 - The degree of difficulty will only have an actual application in questions with the "Evaluative question [test mode]" option enabled.

2 - The weight will only have an actual application in questions with the "Evaluative question [test mode]" option enabled.

3 - It will only be available if the questions are not of the "Matrix" or "Classification" types.

4 - If the question type is "Vertical", "Horizontal", "In list", and "Classification", this option will be displayed in the "Answers" section. It will only be available for selection if the "Allow attachment when answering the question" option is also enabled.

5 - It will only be available if the mode is "Survey".

6 - It will only be available if the mode is "Test".


Related links:

Configuring the question type

Adding a degree of difficulty

Adding a question group