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Enabling answers

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For the survey to be enabled for the respondents, if the answers have not been enabled at the start of its execution or if they have been added directly to the execution step, it is necessary to access its data screen.


On the toolbar, click on the Enable answers button.


At this point, the system will ask whether you wish to enable the answers for the survey. Click on the desired option:

Save only: The system will save the record and the survey will not be enabled for the respondents to answer it. It is also possible to enable the answers through the next button on the main screen toolbar of the "Execution arrowrgray Survey execution" menu.

Confirm: Enable it for the respondents or the responsible team for completing through the Execution arrowrgray Survey response menu.


After enabling the survey for the respondents, its data screen will display the Answers section, allowing you to manage its answers and respondents.