ID #: Enter the identifier of the development plan saved for the employee who participated in the course you wish to view.
Title: Enter the title of the development plan saved for the employee who participated in the course you wish to view.
Planned date: Enter the date range that covers the period planned for performing the development plan saved for the employee who participated in the course you wish to view.
Actual date: Enter the date range that covers the period in which the development plan saved for the employee who participated in the course you wish to view was performed.
Status: Expand the list and check the options that correspond to the possible status of the development plan saved for the employee who participated in the course you wish to view. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to check all available options and clear the markups performed.
Category: Select the category that classifies the development plan saved for the employee who participated in the course you wish to view. When checking the Display lower level records option, the categories that are below the hierarchy of the selected category will also be considered in the view.
Deadline: Expand the list and check the options that correspond to the possible status of the deadline of the development plan saved for the employee who participated in the course you wish to view. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to check all available options and clear the markups performed.
Employee: Select the user to whom the development plan was saved and who participated in the course you wish to view. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to fill it with the logged user data or clear it.
Evaluation plan execution: The following fields are available:
▪Evaluation plan: Select the evaluation plan from which the development plan for the employee who participated in the course was generated. ▪Cycle: Enter the execution number range of the competence evaluation that covers the evaluation from which the development plan saved for the employee who participated in the course was generated. ▪Only plan last execution: Check this option for the system to consider only the last execution of the development plan generated from the competence evaluation in the search.