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Activation history

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Location: Monitoring arrowrgray Activation history






Through this menu, it is possible to view the records of the system activations, both those made for system updates and those made for other reasons. The list of records will display the following information: activation status, company name, system version, date and time, reason for activation, server name and IP.


Specific button:


Click on this button to view the error generated during the activation selected in the list of records. This button will only be enabled if the selected activation has not been successful. The activation status can be identified through the "Status" column in the list of records.


Use the fields in the General filter to locate the desired records through specific information:

Status: Select the status of the desired activation record: enabled, disabled and validating.

Company name: Enter the company name of the organization that had its system activated.

Version: Enter the version that the system was activated for.

Date: Enter the date when the activation occurred.

Show only updates: Select the "Yes" option for the list of records to show only the activations made because of system updates.

Server name: Enter the name of the server in which the activation was performed.

Server IP: Enter the IP of the server in which the activation was performed.

After entering the required filters, click on the SEARCH button in the 'Search filters' panel or press the ENTER key on your keyboard. The result will be displayed on the right-side of the view screen.