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Executing revision tasks

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Draft, Review, Approval, and Release

Who receives it:

Participants who have been associated as the responsible parties through the Participant arrowrgray Step tab on the APQP/PPAP revision data screen. Remember that an APQP/PPAP may only be revised if the respective control has been configured in its type.


Draft: This is the first step of the revision process. The drafter must view the APQP/PPAP data and, if necessary, make the necessary changes. This task is generated when a new APQP/PPAP is created in the system or when a new revision is created through the Management arrowrgray APQP/PPAP revision menu.

Review, Approval, and Release: In the steps after the draft step, the changes made in the APQP/PPAP by the revision drafter must be viewed. If a participant does not agree with some change made or still has comments to make about the revision, critiques may be entered and sent to the drafter. This step is generated when the previous step of the revision is finished, following the order: Review arrowrgray Approval arrowrgray Release, if the configured respective participants exist.


To allow the APQP/PPAPs created in the system to be revised, keeping the history of all changes made to them.


How to execute this task:


Select the desired APQP/PPAP from the list of pending records.


Use the toolbar buttons to make the necessary changes to the revision.


After that, click on the default button on the toolbar. Fill in the following fields on the data screen that will be displayed:




It is worth remembering that if the revision control per process has been configured, when clicking on this button, the execution screen of the Workflow activity will be displayed. See how to execute the task in the Revision process section.

The actions of approving or rejecting a revision step may require some fields to be forcibly filled in according to the configurations set on the general parameters screen in SE PDM.




Click on the save_exit button after filling in the fields on the screen above. From then on, the APQP/PPAP goes to the next revision step with a configured participant.


If more than one participant was configured, the system uses the revision acceptance clause defined in the type of the APQP/PPAP in question.