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Auditor creation

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To create an internal auditor, click on the button on the toolbar. On the screen that will be displayed, select, in the Internal auditor field, the system user that will be defined as the auditor.



Once done, save the record. The General, Description, Requirement, and Attachment sections will be available for configuration:



Responsible team

Select, among those created in the system, the responsible team for the creation of the auditor. If necessary, use the buttons placed on the side of the field, to create a new team, edit the selected team data and clear the filled value, respectively.

Knowledge and abilities

Enter information about the knowledge and technical abilities of the internal auditor being created.

Personal attributes

Describe the personal characteristics of the internal auditor.


In this section, enter other relevant data about the internal auditor.


Use this section to associate the requirements (SE Requirement) with which the internal auditor is qualified to audit. Use the following buttons on the side toolbar of this screen:

Click on this button and, on the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the requirement you wish to edit. To select more than one requirement at a time, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys on the keyboard, or the checkbox next to each record.

Click on this button and, on the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the requirement you wish to associate with the internal auditor. To select more than one requirement at a time, use the CTRL or SHIFT keys on the keyboard, or the checkbox next to each record.

Click on this button to disassociate a requirement. Select the desired record before clicking on the button.

Click on this button to enable or disable the selected record.

Click on this button so that the auditor can be designated as the leader of the requirement. Select the desired criterion before clicking on the button.

Note: The internal auditor can only perform the auditing of the requirements that are associated with it.



Use this section to add attachments related to the internal auditor. For further details on how to associate attachments with the record, see the Adding attachments section.


Save the record.