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Importing a REST data source

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To import REST data sources configured in SE Suite, click on the doc-import button on the main screen toolbar.


Drag the data source file to the screen that will be opened or click on the field to browse the directories on your computer and select the desired file (.se extension). Add all files of the data sources you wish to import. The added files will be listed right below.


Use the trash button displayed when hovering the cursor over a file in the listing to delete it from the import list. Use the Clear all button on the bottom of the screen to delete all files displayed in the listing and delete them from the import list. This import process does not delete data sources.


After defining the desired files, click on the Import button at the bottom of the screen.

If the data source is not imported successfully, the reason will be displayed in the file card in the listing on the import screen.

If the data source is imported successfully, it will be displayed on the main screen list of records.