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Executing the revision (ISO9000)

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This topic will only cover the execution of revisions based on the ISO9000 standard.


Template revisions can be executed through the following locations:

File Document menu:

a. Select the record in the list of records.

b.Click on the button.

Management Revision menu:

a.Select the record in the second quadrant.

b.Click on the button on the second quadrant.

My Tasks Document revision menu:

a. Select the record in the list of records.

b.Click on the button on the third quadrant.


On the document data screen, access the Revision section, in which some actions may be required from the executor after advancing the revision step:



1.Enter the changes that were performed in the document. Simply click on the button.

2.On the Location field of the screen that will be displayed, enter the location in the survey template where the change was made.

3.Then, describe the change.




If the revision is in the "Review", "Approval", "Release", or "Closure" steps:

The executor of the revision may add critiques concerning the revision. To do this, click on the button and, in the Critique tab of the screen that will be opened, fill out the desired critique.

If it is in the Draft step:

In the second cycle or later, the drafter should inform in this tab the solutions for each critique entered. To do this, click on the button and, in the Critique tab of the screen that will be opened, fill out the desired solution.



The list of questions allows assisting the responsible party in the execution of the revision step. In order to answer them, select the desired option: Yes, No or N/A. The answers may have already been selected by the system according to the standard defined when recording the checklist. Moreover, filling in the Comments fields may be mandatory or not, also according to the configurations established when creating the checklist.

This section will only be available if the user who is accessing the screen is also the user responsible for the execution of the current revision step.


After performing the necessary changes, execute the necessary action:


Accept revision

Use this option to execute the revision and send it to the next step. If the closure step has been configured, after accepting the revision, it will be sent to the closure step; otherwise, the revision will be automatically closed.

Reject revision

Use this option to return the revision to the draft step. This option is displayed only in the review, approval or release steps.

Delete revision

Use this option to delete the revision. This option is only not displayed in the closure step, if it has been configured.


Related links:

Adding a revision reason

Executing the revision via workflow