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Configuring an instance from a document

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This control allows associating workflows with the documents of the category. It will only be available if the SE Process and SE Workflow components are part of the solutions acquired by your organization.


See below how to perform the configuration:


1.Access the Configuration Category menu.


2.Select the desired category and click on the button.


3.In the Control tab, enable the Workflow association section. Configure the following fields:




Enable workflow to be started

It will be possible to start workflows through the Workflow section of the data of the documents of the category.

It will only be possible to associate workflows.




When publishing document

The workflows will be automatically started when the documents from this category are released. It will be possible to track the generated workflow through the Associations Workflow section on the data screen of the document that originated it.

Select one of the following options to define which processes will be instantiated in the SE Workflow component:

Start default process: Only the process checked as default, in the list of records at the bottom of this section, will be instantiated.

Start all processes: All processes displayed in the list of records at the bottom of this section will be instantiated.

Start process defined through a formula: In the "Formula" field that will be enabled, configure the formula to be used to define the processes that will be instantiated. To do this, click on the button and through the formula editor build de desired formula. It is important to point out that the formula return must be the ID # of the process being instantiated. If an attribute of the "List of values" type is applied to the formula, the value will be used without translation, that is, the translated values will not be considered in the formula execution.

View the Formula editor section for a detailed description on how to perform the assembly of formulas. Use the buttons located on the side of the field to clear it and view the data of the assembled formula.

The workflows will not be triggered automatically when publishing the document. It will be possible to manually start workflows related to the document through the Associations Workflow section of the document data screen.

Start process with each new revision

The processes should be instantiated with each new revision of the document.

The processes will be instantiated only during the first revision.


4.In the list of records at the bottom of the screen, associate the workflows that must be automatically started. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button and, on the selection screen that will be opened, locate and select the desired processes and save the selection. Use the CTRL and SHIFT keys on the keyboard or check next to each record to select more than one document at a time.

Click on this button to delete the process selected in the list of records and thus disassociate it from the document.

Click on this button to define the process selected in the list of records as default.

Click on the arrow next to this button and select one of the following options:

View flowchart: The flowchart screen of the process selected in the list of records will be displayed.

View data: The data screen of the process selected in the list of records will be displayed in read-only mode.


If the document in this category and the process that originated the triggered workflow have common attributes (ID # and equal names), the values of the document attributes will be replicated to the workflow attributes.