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Creating a document using a wizard - From an existing document

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To add a document from the copy of an existing document with the help of a wizard, click on the arrow next to the button and click on the Create document using wizard option.


On the creation wizard that will be opened, click on the From existing document option. At this point, the following steps will be available:


First steps



In this field, locate and select the document from which the new document will be created. To do that, type the name of the desired document and select it in the list that will be displayed or click on the button On the screen that will be opened, locate and select the desired document and save the selection.


The documents with the "Issue", "Indexing" or "Cancelled" statuses will not be available for selection.


Use the Next button at the bottom of the wizard to access the next step in which it is located.


Document data



ID #

Enter a number or code to identify the document or use the arrow next to this field to generate an automatic ID #.

If the identification mask use has been configured in the category, when the automatic ID # is generated, the corresponding mask will be displayed. The ID # generated through the mask can only be edited if the "Enable generated ID # change" option is checked on the category data screen.

It will only be possible to use the same document ID # in different categories if the corresponding option is checked in the Document tab of the general parameters.


Select the language of the electronic files of the document. Thus, it will be possible to link the same documents in different languages, allowing the user to associate them and revise them together, when necessary.


Displays the name of the document selected in the first step, and it is possible to edit it. In this case, enter a name/title for the document or, if the use of identification mask for the title has been configured in the category, use the arrow located next to this field to automatically generate the title.

The title generated through the mask can only be edited if the "Enable title change" option is checked on the data screen of the category.


Displays the category that classifies the document selected in the first step, and it is possible to edit it. In that case, select the desired category. By selecting a new category, the mask for title and ID # configurations and other document configurations may vary. Only the categories to which the user has the Add control enabled in the security will be available for selection.

Responsible for the document

Displays the data of the logged user, that is, of the user who is creating the document, and it can only be edited if the "Block record user editing" is not checked in the Security Document section, in the Details tab of the document category.

If the editing is unlocked, use the buttons located next to the field to select another user to be responsible for the document or to clear the filled-in field.


If the revision ID # has been defined to be "Numeric" or "Text", this field will display the number/letter that corresponds to the current revision of the document. If the revision ID # is "Customized", enter an ID # for the current revision of the document.

If the "Enable ID # changes of revisions in the draft step" option is checked, the user can edit this field.


This field can only be filled out if the "Disable creation of released documents in the system" is not checked in the category. In this case, enter the validity date of the document/revision.

If this field is not filled out, the document will be created under issue.


Describe the document that is being created.

Copy options




Copies the attribute values of the document selected in the first step to the document being created.

The attribute values will not be copied to the document being created.

Printed copy2

Copies the copy distribution configurations of the document selected in the first step to the document being created.

The copy distribution configurations will not be copied to the document being created.


Copies the document security configurations of the document selected in the first step to the document being created.

The security configurations will not be copied to the document being created.

Electronic file4

Imports the electronic files of the document selected in the first step to the document being created.

The template associated with the previously selected category will be copied, if any. If there are no templates, nothing will be copied.


Copies the keywords associated with the document selected in the first step to the document being created.

The keywords will not be copied to the document being created.

1 - It will only be available if at least one attribute has been associated in the category that classifies the document and it is equal to the attribute associated with the category that classifies the document selected in the first step (if it is not the same category).

2 - It will only be available if the Printed copy control is configured in the category selected in the first step.

3 - It will only be available if the "Block document security control editing" option is not checked in the category security or if the "Allow the inclusion of permission in the document" option is checked.

4 - It will only be available if at least one template has been associated with the category of the document selected in the first step.

4 - It will only be available if at least one keyword has been associated with the document selected in the first step.


Click on the Finish button to finish the document creation.


Use the Previous button at the bottom of the screen to return to a previous step of creating the document to make the necessary edits. This operation can also be performed by clicking on the name of the step on the side panel of the wizard.

Use the Cancel button at the bottom of the screen to exit the document creation wizard. Note that all the data entered up to then will be lost. To perform this operation effectively, it is necessary to confirm the question asked by the system.




In this step, an overview of the document creation will be presented. Through the Document data option, it is possible to access the created document data screen to perform the necessary edits. Refer to the Editing documents section for a detailed description of the other fields on the document data screen.


Click on the Close option to leave the creation wizard.