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Creating production inspections

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See how to create a production inspection:


On main the screen toolbar, click on the button. After that, fill in the following fields on the screen that will be displayed:



Inspection object


Inspection #: Enter the number that will identify the inspection.

OP/WO/PO #: Enter the number of the production, service or manufacturing order.

Lot number: Enter the number of the lot that will be inspected.

Type of object to be collected: Select whether the object is a finished product or a product in progress.

Item: Select the item (SE PDM) to be inspected. The number of the revision of this record will be displayed next to this field, but it is possible to select previous revisions. By selecting the desired item, its characteristics to be inspected will be displayed in the bottom part of the screen. Double click on the record in the Responsibility type column and configure if a user or team will be responsible for this characteristic. Then, in the Responsibility column, determine this user or team. Save the record after that.

Process: This field will only be displayed if the "Product in progress" option has been selected in the "Type of object to be collected" field. In this case, select the manufacturing process and the activity to be inspected.


After selecting an item, the characteristics related to it will be displayed in the list of records on the screen. Note that there is a checkbox next to each characteristic to check or uncheck the characteristics that may be part of the inspection.


Pre-inspection record


Enable this option to record a pre-inspection before the main inspection. In this case, it is possible to add a customized form (SE Form) and a checklist to be answered and completed before executing the production inspection, allowing more details regarding the inspection to be obtained. To do that, fill out the following fields:

Checklist: Associate the checklist that must be answered in pre-inspection.

Responsible: Enter the user who will be responsible for answering the checklist.

Layout: Select the checklist display layout in the report: portrait or landscape.

Form: Select the form to be filled out during inspection execution.

Responsible user: Enter the user who will be responsible for filling out the form.

Layout: Select the form display layout in the report: portrait or landscape.




Click on this option to determine that the inspection will go through an approval step before its closure. In this approval step, the responsible party may edit some information of the record such as the lot number.

Responsibility route: Select the route that will be responsible for executing the Production inspection approval task.



In the "Type of object to be collected" field, the "Product in progress" option will only be available if SE Process is part of the acquired solution.

It will only be possible to associate forms if SE Form is part of the hired solution.


After that, save the record. At this point, the production inspection will be recorded and may be located in the main screen list of records.