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Knowledge base

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Location: File arrowrgray Knowledge base






Use this menu to create all possible knowledge bases that will classify the articles in the system by field of knowledge. Each knowledge base has its own security list, which allows defining restricted access to a certain group of users, such as an IT knowledge base that groups articles related to the IT field.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to create a new knowledge base. See further details on this operation in the Knowledge base record section.


Click on this button to edit a knowledge base. See further details on this operation in the Knowledge base record section.


Click on this button to delete a knowledge base. Select the desired record and click on this button.


Click this button to view the data of the knowledge base selected on the main screen.


Click on the arrow next to this button to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report or associate an existing report, or search the parameters that may be used in the configuration of new reports.