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Widgets - SE Knowledge Base

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SE Knowledge Base has the "Article" and "Knowledge base" widgets, which allow viewing, through a Portal, the articles of one or more knowledge bases recorded in the system, respecting the security configurations of each knowledge base. These widgets have also been made available in the Customer center, allowing external users to access articles in one or more knowledge bases configured as public.


For more information on how to follow, create, edit, share, or copy a portal, refer to the "User guide arrowrgrayy Tools arrowrgrayy Portals" section.

The logged user will view the knowledge bases and articles according to the language in which the system is being accessed. If the language of the user is enabled in the knowledge base and the articles are recorded in this language, these articles will be displayed in the language of the user; otherwise, the system will use the base language to display the articles.


hmtoggle_arrow1Knowledge base