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This tab makes available the options to configure how SE GanttChart will be displayed, divided in the following sections:



View profile

Save vision

Click on this button to save the changes made to the SE GanttChart visions (for example: a column that was not configured to be displayed in the view profile associated with the project is inserted by the user). Note that these definitions will be applied only when this specific user accesses SE GanttChart.


Click on this button to restore the vision displayed in SE GanttChart to the configurations and parameterizations set in its record.



Click on this button to define which columns will be displayed or not in the vision table area. For that, on the screen that will be displayed, check the field of the Visible column corresponding to the column you wish to display and uncheck those you do not wish to display. This operation may also be performed through the shortcut displayed when right-clicking on the name of a column in the table area.


The display order of the columns may also be edited. For that, click and hold the desired column, drag it to the table area, and drop it in the desired position.


Some task information can be edited using the SE GanttChart columns without having to access the data screen. To do that, simply double click on the desired information column and enter/select the desired data.

General parameters

Click on this button to parameterize the display of some of the information in SE GanttChart. This operation may also be performed through the shortcut displayed when right-clicking on the chart area. See further details in the Configuring the SE GanttChart general parameters section.



Allows editing the appearance (color palette) of SE GanttChart. For that, click on the desired option displayed in this palette and the chosen theme will be applied to the SE GanttChart screen.