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Adding a survey type

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To create a survey type, perform the following steps:


1.Access the Configuration arrowrgray Survey type menu.

2.On the toolbar, click on the new button.

3.On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the survey type:

4.Click on the save button to save the record.


At this point, the other tabs can be configured:



1.Fill out the Upper survey type field only if the type being added is a sub-type. In this case, select, in the aforementioned field, the type in the higher level in the hierarchy(1).

2.Check the Use mask for the ID # option for the automatic identification resource to be used when adding surveys to this type. The following fields will be enabled:

Identification mask: Select the desired identification mask.

Enable ID # change: Check this option to allow the generated ID # to be manually edited at the time of the inclusion of the survey in this scorecard. If it is not checked, the generated ID # may not be edited.

If the option is unchecked, the ID #s must be manually entered by the user who is adding the survey to this type.

3.The following options may be parameterized:




Planning approval

The surveys added to this type will go through the planning approval step. Then, choose a route type and a route responsible for the approval.

The planning of the surveys of this type will not go through critical analysis.

Critical analysis

The surveys added to this type will go through the critical analysis step. Then, choose a route type and a route responsible for the approval. See further details in the Configuring approval in the type topic.

The execution of the surveys of this type will not go through critical analysis.


The surveys added to this type will go through the closure step. Then, choose a route type and a route responsible for the approval.

The surveys of this type will be closed by the system after the execution of the last step configured for them.

See further details in the Configuring approval in the type topic.

4.After filling out the fields on the General tab, click on the Save button and the other tabs will be available to be filled out.


1 - This operation can also be performed by selecting the upper level type before clicking on the "Add" button (step 1).



Associate attributes to complement the information of the surveys of this type.

1.Simply click on the link button on the side toolbar and select an attribute previously created in the system. Refer to the Adding attributes section for further details on how to perform this operation.

2.Click on the save button to save the association of attributes with the type.


Template revision

Through this tab, it is possible to configure the revision process that will control the changes performed in the survey templates classified by the type. The following processes will be available:

Revision process


By default, the revision process will be filled out with this revision type. Survey templates will have a simplified change control, without the need to go through revision steps. Thus, enabling its revision, release or deletion will be performed directly through the survey template data screen. See further details in the Configuring and creating a simplified revision topic.

ISO9000 based

Templates classified by this type will have their revision based on the ISO9000 standards. See a detailed description of the other fields that will be enabled in the Configuring the ISO9000-based revision section.


Templates classified by this type will have their revision controlled by a process started in the SE Workflow component. See further details in the Configuring the revision via workflow topic.


Type security

Create a security list for the survey type. To do that, select one of the following options:

Public: Any SE Survey user will have access to the type.

Restricted: Only certain SE Survey users will have access to the type.


If the access is Restricted, add the specific access desired for the type:

1.Click on the new button on the side toolbar.

2.On the screen that will be opened, in the Access type field, select the group that corresponds to the users to which access should be enabled.

3.According to the selected access type, Filters will be enabled to be filled out. Use them to make it easier to search for desired records.

4.If the selected access type is Organizational unit, the hierarchy of business units and the departments belonging to them (if any) will be displayed. Check the business units and/or desired departments. Check the Consider sublevels option for the organizational units that are below the selected unit in the hierarchy to also be considered.

5.After entering the fields above, click on the search toolbar button on the selection screen. Depending on the selected access type and the values entered in the filters, the result will be displayed in the list of records, located at the bottom of the screen.

6.Select the ones that will compose the security list. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys down or check next to each item, to select more than a record at a time.

7.In the Controls field, expand the list and check the actions that will be enabled for the access type.

8.After filling in the necessary fields, save the record.


If new organizational subunits (whether they are business units or departments) are subsequently added, they will be automatically added to the security list.