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Through this menu, it is possible to track pending tasks of any SE Survey user. This menu allows leaders, for instance, to verify whether their subordinates are executing their tasks within the established deadlines.


It is important to point out that tasks cannot be executed in this menu. To execute them, the user must access the My tasks menu.


1.In the "Task type" filter, click on the Select task type button.


2.Use the search filters placed on the upper part of the panel to locate the tasks types that will be viewed. Enter, in the respective fields, the desired tasks, the User, Position or Department that is responsible for its execution. Check the Display lower level records option so that the departments/positions that are below, in the hierarchy, of the selected department/position, are also considered in the search.


3.After that, click on the Search button and the result will be displayed in the list of records at the bottom of the panel. If the tasks displayed are not the desired tasks, simply repeat the procedure described above until achieving the desired result. Otherwise, click on the Apply button to view the records referring to the task types.


Task types that will be searched for are displayed in the Search Panel, on the left side of the main screen, separated by types: Execution and Tracking.