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Creating sub-tasks

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Sub-tasks are tasks in a lower level to a main task. With this feature, it is possible to divide a single task in smaller records, with the possibility of different assignees to each record.


The system also allows the user to define sub-task types per Workspace, including the flow definition, which does not need to be equal to the main task.


Creating a sub-task

First, it is necessary for the workspace selected in the board to have a task type with a flowchart configured to classify sub-tasks.


Once the workspace is configured, perform the following steps:




Double-click on the task in the board that will be the upper-level task to the sub-task.


On the task panel, click on the structure button.


Click on the "Create" option.


Once done, the data screen will be opened to create the sub-task; Perform the same procedures as those used to create a task, such as entering a title, defining a task type (configured for sub-tasks), and defining a priority.


After finishing, click on "Save". Once done, the tasks that are created will be displayed on the board linked to the main task (upper-level task) to which they were assigned:

