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Training is the central element for developing any type of business. A solid employee training process can be a valuable tool for companies that wish to improve their internal procedures. However, with no organizational level whatsoever, accessibility, training documents, methods, and exercises may fall into oblivion, and the effectiveness of these programs may be harmed.

SE Training is the ultimate solution for the effective management of trainings and qualifications in your company. It ensures the periodic planning of trainings required by the company, allowing to monitor the subsequent costs of internal and third-party trainings. It also enables the programming of the use of classrooms and audio-visual resources, thus optimizing the resources available in the company.


For a better understanding about the features of the SE Training component, access our Training Store and get the full online training.

If you are subscribed to the Infinity plan, which offers full access to courses, access the training of this component through the Infinity learning option in the Help center.

Refer to the Quick guide to learn about the basic operations of SE Training in a quick and easy way!