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Audit trail

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The portal audit trail allows tracking the portal events such as addition, change, deletion, copy and view, and the user may monitor the performed events even if they do not have permission in certain portals.

The audit trail can be accessed through the "Audit trail" button, which is displayed on the All portals screen, and through the "Audit trail" option displayed in more actions of the button on the portal screen. The button and the option will be displayed only if the access group of which the user is part has access permission to the audit trail.


Portal screen

Portal screen


All portals

All portals


By accessing the portal audit trail screen, the following columns will be displayed: Date/Time, User, Operation, Details, Portal and Panel. To view the "IP address" column in the audit trail, click on the "Columns" button and check the "IP address" option. Through the "Columns" button, it is possible to delete a column, unchecking it in the listing, and change the display order of the columns, dragging the column in the listing to the new position.

The event search will filter the list whenever it finds items related to the token searched in the User, Operation, Portal and Panel columns.



For the events to be listed in the audit trail, they must be configured in the CM012 (Configuration Audit trail) menu of the SE Configuration component. The "Configuration" button on the audit screen is a shortcut to the CM012 menu and allows the configuration to be performed by the users who have permission to configure the system audit trail.


The following events will be listed on the new screen when portals are added, deleted, viewed and edited:


Portal addition

Identifies which portal was added.

Portal view

Identifies which portal and which tab were viewed.

Portal deletion

Identifies which portal was deleted.

Portal copy

Identifies which portal was copied.

Portal changes

Identifies which changes were performed.


The following events will be listed on the new screen when portal tabs are renamed, deleted or viewed:


Tab renaming

Identifies which portal tab was renamed.

Tab addition

Identifies which portal tab was added.

Tab view

Identifies which portal and which tab were viewed.

Tab deletion

Identifies which portal tab was deleted.


The following events will be listed on the new screen when widgets are edited:


Widget addition

Identifies which widget was added.

Title change

Identifies which widget had its title edited.

Widget deletion

Identifies which changes were performed.


When there are any changes, such as portal copy or permission change, it will be possible to view the old and new values of these changes. To access the changes, simply click on "View details", located on the "Details" column.


Other events, such as sharing, Home definition, and portal author transfer, will also be listed to identify any actions in the portal.