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Create an analysis tool

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The input and the association of causes and analysis, through analysis tools, are performed on screens similar to the following image:



Analysis tool

The following options are available in this section:


5 Whys: Select this option to register an analysis using the "5 Whys" tool. See further details in the 5 Whys section.

Ishikawa: Select this option to register an analysis with the "Ishikawa" tool. See further details in the Ishikawa section.

FTA: Select this option to register an analysis using "FTA" tool. See further details in the FTA section.

Associate: Through this option the user can associate an analysis tool already created in another record. After clicking on this option, a selection screen will be displayed, which will allow you to find a previously registered analysis. Therefore, use the search filters to find the desired analysis tool, select it and save it. At this point, the analysis will be associated with the record. View the 5 Whys, Ishikawa or FTA sections if you need to edit some information of the associated analysis tool.


After adding or associating an analysis, a preview of the analysis shaped in its respective tool will be displayed. When you hover the mouse over that preview, some buttons, which allow the following operations, will be displayed:


Edit: This option is displayed for analysis that were created in the Analysis tools section. Click on this button to edit the analysis.

View: This option is displayed for analysis that were associated in the Analysis tools section. Click on this button to view the data screen of an analysis.

Delete: Click on this button to disassociate the analysis from the section.

Reduce: By clicking on this button, the analysis preview will have its size reduced (zoom out).

Enlarge: By clicking on this button, the analysis preview will have its size enlarged (zoom in).

Fit to window: By clicking on this button, the analysis preview will have its size adjusted to the section size.

Save as image: By clicking on this button, the analysis preview will be saved as a .png image.


View the Workspace of the analysis tools section for further details on using the buttons and items displayed on the analysis tools screen.



In this section, the causes associated with the analysis, registered or associated in the Analysis tools section, will be displayed. However, this section allows the input of causes (root or potential) when the defect or problem does not need the cause to be analyzed through a tool. To do this, use the buttons displayed in this section:


Click on this button to associate a previously recorded cause. On the screen that will open, select the desired cause, defining it as root cause or potential cause of the defect or problem. Next, if necessary, enter the percentage of the chance the selected cause has of resulting in the defect/problem. Select the department responsible for the cause. After entering the description, save the cause data.

This button will only be displayed when selecting a cause associated through the Cause section. On the screen that will open, it will be possible to change the selected cause, switch between root cause and potential cause, as well as alter the percentage, department responsibility and description for the cause.

This button will only be displayed when selecting a cause associated through an analysis associated/recorded in the Analysis tool section. By clicking on this button, the cause data screen will be displayed simply for information search.

This button will only be enabled when selecting a cause associated through the Cause section. By clicking on this button, the system will question whether you really wish to delete the selected cause. If the question is confirmed, the cause will be removed from this section. It is worth remembering that this operation will only remove the cause association in this particular section, that is, the cause will still be displayed for association in other analysis.