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Issuing a report

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The issuance of reports, in SE Action, may be performed on several system screens. For that, simply click on the button, on the toolbar on the main screens, that correspond to the desired report, and it will be displayed in the '.pdf' format. The report types available are:



Report type



Occurrence report

Issue a report with the data of the occurrence selected in the list of records. It is important to point out that, in the classification of the occurrence in question, the following configurations may be set: a specific title and the information that will be displayed, or not, in the report in question.


Action report

Issues a report with the data of the action selected in the list of records.


General report

Issues a report with the general information of the records displayed on the main screen.


Customized report

This report type is valid for occurrence records only. Therefore, the configurations set in the classification of the occurrence regarding the occurrence reports will also be applied in this report type. However, by clicking on the button, the system will display a selection screen that allows the customization of the information configured previously, i.e., check the information that will be displayed, and uncheck what should not appear in the report that will be issued.

It is important to point out that the data displayed in the report may vary according to the screen from which it is being issued and according to the configurations of the occurrence/action selected in the list of records.