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Warnings for spreadsheet import

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To successfully import the spreadsheet to SE Suite, some points must be taken into consideration. See below the precautions that must be taken:


Regional options verification


Before importing a spreadsheet, consider that some spreadsheet editing tools take into consideration the regional options of the machine, as to interpret the decimal separators differently according to the configured region. For example, to use the comma ( , ) as a decimal separator, it is necessary to configure "English (USA)" as the language option for decimal separator.


To view a detailed description on how to edit the language option with regional decimal separator in Excel, refer to the "Change the character used to separate thousands or decimals" article by Microsoft®.


Required columns verification


For a successful import, it is necessary for the spreadsheet to have all columns created according to the import template, even if one of them is not used. If a column is missing, the import will be interrupted, and the system will inform about the need to add the missing columns.


Field size verification


It is important to check, in the "Interface data template" topic of the SE Suite - Integration guide document, the maximum size supported by each field in SE Suite. If one of the cells in the spreadsheet exceeds one of the maximum values, no record will be imported successfully.


Among the spreadsheet fields, some points can be taken into consideration: NMFIELD fields have a maximum limit of 255 characters, whereas DSFIELD fields have a limit of 4000 characters.




For attributes with date type values, the format must be “YYYY/MM/DD”. For example: 2024/03/15