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Requirement structure assembly

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On this screen, it is possible to edit the object structure that will be used in the audit evaluation and to add new records. See below how to add a new object to the structure:


It is important to point out that the assembly of the structure of a requirement audit is similar to the one of a risk and control plan audit, with a few differences, but both procedures will be described in this section.


Requirement audit structure

Requirement audit structure



In the Add section, it is possible to add new objects to the object structure. To do that, first, select an object in the structure, click on this button and add the desired option. The options vary according to whether the audit refers to a requirement structure or a risk and control plan structure. In the last case, the available options must vary according to the configurations established in the audit category.



The new object will be added to the structure, provided the object hierarchy is respected. The new requirement will always be added to the level below the selected object. In the requirement audits, the audit tests and verification items may only be added directly to a lowest level requirement or to a verification item. A requirement may only be added to a level below another requirement.



Enter the data of the created object:

Base requirement: This field is automatically filled out when a requirement is created from an SE Requirement requirement (when the reference requirement structure is imported).

ID #: Enter the object ID #.

Weight: Enter the value the requirement will have in the structure.

Name: Name of the requirement selected in the structure.

Description: Descriptions related to the requirement.

Test configuration: Field valid for audit tests. In this case, select the Configuration to be applied to the audit test.

Number of samples: Field valid for audit tests. In this case, enter the number of samples to be checked in the audit test, that is, each sample must be evaluated with the checklist questions set in the audit test configuration.

Tip: Field available to add tips that will help in the requirement evaluation.



After entering the necessary data, click on the Confirm button to save the changes. Click on the Next button to go to the next object.