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Configuring a test plan

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To create a new test plan, click on the button on the main screen toolbar and fill out the fields on the screen that will be displayed:


On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the team.



Save the record. The following sections will be available for completion:



Select a previously created checklist with the questions that will be the basis for the verification of the requirement/object in the audit execution step. If necessary, it will also be possible to create a checklist or edit the one selected in the respective field.


Configure the details that will appear during the execution of the test plan:


Sample attributes

Associate the attributes that will compose the audit samples.


Use this field to enter descriptions referring to the test.


Use this section to associate documents (SE Document) to help with the execution of the test.


Use this field to add attachments referring to the test.


After performing all desired configurations, save the record.