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SE Suite tasks.




From this menu, it is possible to define that the tasks of a certain department are transferred to another department so that users belonging to it assume their execution. See how to transfer tasks:


1.In the General filter, in the Search filters panel, complete the following filters:

Department: Select the department whose tasks you wish to transfer.

Component: Expand the list of options and check the "components - license type" where the tasks you wish to transfer were generated. Use the other buttons next to the field to check all the options and clear the checked ones.

ID #: Enter the ID # of the task that will be transferred. This field should be used to locate a specific task.

Status: Expand the list of options and check the status of the task execution deadline that you wish to transfer: on time or past due. This field should be used to locate tasks under a specific status.

Deadline: Select the date range that covers the deadline of the task that will be transferred.


Filling out the "Department" and "Component" filters is required so that the tasks are displayed in the list of records. The remaining filters can be used to help locate the desired tasks.


2.After that, click on the SEARCH button.


3.Tasks will be displayed in the list of records of main screen, according to the values entered in search fields. Mark the check next to each record or use the CTRL or SHIFT keys on your keyboard to select the tasks you wish to transfer.


4.In the To column of the list of records, define the department to which each selected task will be transferred.


5.1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the default toolbar button. At this point, the tasks will be transferred to the users that belong to the defined departments.