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Unblocking a user

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If a number of invalid login attempts has been defined in the Authentication (CM008) menu of the SE Configuration component, whenever this number is reached, the user will be blocked.


If it is defined a time for the user to be blocked, once the defined minutes have passed, the user will be automatically unblocked. If a time has not been defined or if you wish to unblock the user before the defined time, it must be done manually.


To manually unblock a user, perform the following steps:

1.Access the File arrowrgray Organizational structure arrowrgray User (AD004) menu.

2.In the list of records on the main screen, locate the desired blocked user. To do that, use the "Blocking" field of the General filter, in the search filters panel. Blocked users can also be identified by the padlock icon in the B column in the list of records.

3.Select the desired user.

4.On the toolbar, click on the More option and on the unblock button.

Once done, it will be possible to log in again with that user.