The navigation panel displays, divided into sections, the requirements that must be mapped for an employee to hold a position in a certain department. See below the requirements available for the mapping:
▪For this resource to work correctly, it is necessary for the components involved to be a part of the solutions acquired by your organization. ▪For a detailed description of the organizational mapping screen, refer to the Organizational mapping - Interface section. |
Use this section to associate the competences that will be required or desirable to hold the position. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate a competence with the position. See further details about this operation in the Associating a competence topic below.

Click on this button to edit the proficiency level, weight, requirement and sequence of the competence selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to turn the desirable competence selected in the list of records into required and vice-versa.

Click on this button to disassociate the competence selected in the list of records from the position.

Click on this button to shift the competence upwards in the listing.

Click on this button to shift the competence downwards in the listing.
Associating a competence
To associate a competence with the position, click on the button on the side toolbar and, on the selection screen that will be displayed, perform the following steps:
Use the Search filters to easily locate the competences that you wish to associate with the position. Use the Copy from filter to find the competences previously mapped for a department and position and copy them to the department and position to which the mapping is being performed.
After that, click on the SEARCH button.
The result will be displayed in the list of records on the right side of the screen. Select the desired competences. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys down or check next to each listed competence to select more than a record at a time.
In the Proficiency level column, select the proficiency level needed to exercise the position being mapped. If you wish to use the same proficiency level for the other checked competences, confirm the question asked by the system. Notice that the proficiency levels available for selection will be the ones from the proficiency scale applied to the competence in question. Use the buttons located next to the field to view the proficiency level data or clear the value in the field.
In the Required column, check the competences that will be required for the position in question. Those competences that are not checked as required will be associated as desirable.
Save the record after the necessary selections.
Use this section to define the courses and paths that will be required or desirable to hold the position. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate a course and/or path with the position. See further details about this operation in the Associating courses and paths topic below.

Click on this button to edit the requirement of the course selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to turn the desirable course selected in the list of records into required and vice-versa.

Click on this button to disassociate the course selected in the list of records from the position.
Associating courses and paths
To associate a course or a path with the position, click on the button on the side toolbar and, on the selection screen that will be displayed, perform the following steps:
Use the Search filters to locate the courses and/or paths that you wish to associate with the position more easily. Use the Copy from filter to find the courses previously mapped for a department and position and copy them to the department and position to which the mapping is being performed.
After that, click on the SEARCH button.
The result will be displayed in the list of records on the right side of the screen. Select the desired courses or paths. Hold SHIFT or CTRL key on the keyboard or check next to each record to select more than one course/path at a time.
In the Required column, check the courses/paths that will be required to exercise the position that is being mapped. Those courses that are not checked as required will be associated as desirable.
Save the record after the necessary selections.
Use this section to define the professional experiences that will be required or desirable to hold the position. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate an experience with the position. See further details about this operation in the Associating a competence topic below.

Click on this button to edit the time and requirement of the experience selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to turn the desirable experience selected in the list of records into required and vice-versa.

Click on this button to disassociate the experience selected in the list of records from the position.
Associating a professional experience
To associate an experience with the position, click on the button on the side toolbar and, on the selection screen that will be displayed, perform the following steps:
Use the Search filters to easily locate the experience that you wish to associate with the position. Use the Copy from filter to find the professional experiences previously mapped for a department and position and copy them to the department and position to which the mapping is being performed.
After that, click on the SEARCH button.
The result will be displayed in the list of records on the right side of the screen. Select the desired experiences. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys down or check next to each listed experience to select more than a record at a time.
In the Experience time column, enter the months or years of experience needed to exercise the position.
In the Required column, check the experiences that will be required to exercise the position. The experiences that are not checked as required will be associated as desired.
Save the record after the necessary selections.
Use this section to define the educational levels that will be required or desirable to hold the position. To do that, the following fields are available:
Educational level
Fill out this field to define that the employee must mandatorily have a certain educational level to hold the position. In this case, select the desired educational level. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new educational level and clear the field. If this field is not filled out, a required educational level will not be mapped for the employee.
Educational level status
This field will only be enabled if an educational level has been selected in the previous field. In this case, select the corresponding option to determine that the educational level must be complete or may be incomplete.
Educational level
Fill out this field to define that the employee may have a certain (optional) educational level to hold the positional. In this case, select the desired educational level. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new educational level and clear the field. If this field is not filled out, a desirable educational level will not be mapped for the employee.
Educational level status
This field will only be enabled if an educational level has been selected in the previous field. In this case, select the corresponding option to determine that the educational level must be complete or may be incomplete.
Use this section to define the authorities the position in question will have. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate an authority with the department/position. On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the desired authority and save the selection. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys down or check next to each record to select more than one authority at a time.

Click on this button to disassociate the authority selected in the list of records from the position.

Click on this button to view the data of the authority selected in the list of records.
Use this section to define the responsibilities the position in question will have. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to associate a responsibility with the department/position. On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the desired responsibility and save the selection. Hold the SHIFT or CTRL keys down or check next to each record to select more than one responsibility at a time.

Click on this button to disassociate the responsibility selected in the list of records from the position.

Click on this button to view the data screen of the responsibility selected in the list of records.
In this section, enter important information about the performed organizational mapping.
After setting all the necessary configurations, save the record.