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Widgets - SE Administration

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SE Suite offers the portals resource, which aims to transform a large amount of data into graphic panels. With SE Administration, the organization can create a specific portal to manage the use of SE Suite and the requests related to API Gateway.


While creating a portal, it is possible to add widgets that will allow you to submit information more simply or enable you to perform operations faster, without having to browse through multiple menus. See below the specific widgets of SE Administration:


hmtoggle_arrow1Answer code
hmtoggle_arrow1Connected per day


hmtoggle_arrow1Connected per hour
hmtoggle_arrow1Department organizational chart
hmtoggle_arrow1Use per license key
hmtoggle_arrow1Connected users
hmtoggle_arrow1Users currently connected
hmtoggle_arrow1Users connected in the last few days

For more information about the creation and other portals operations, refer to the Portals section.