Location: Evaluation Evaluation plan execution
▪Evaluation plan ▪Configured employee profile (SE administration)
Through this menu, the responsible team may add an evaluation plan cycle in the execution step, without going through planning, as well as execute an evaluation plan cycle. In the first quadrant of this menu, the system displays the search filters, which allow you to find the desired training more easily. In the second quadrant are presented the evaluation plans available for execution (those that do not have a cycle in planning), while in the third quadrant, the system displays the execution cycle of the evaluation plan selected in the second quadrant.
Specific buttons:

▪Click on this button in the second quadrant to view the data of the evaluation plan selected in the list of records. ▪Click on this button, located in the third quadrant, to view the data of the evaluation plan cycle selected in the list of records. This button will only be enabled if the status of the execution cycle is "Finished". |

Click on the arrow next to this button in the second quadrant to export the list of records displayed on the main screen to an Excel file, configure a new report, or associate an existing report, or to search the parameters that can be used in setting up new reports.

Click on this button, located in the third quadrant, to add an execution cycle of the evaluation plan selected in the second quadrant. This button will not be enabled if the evaluation plan has a cycle to be started or in progress. See more details in the Adding an evaluation plan cycle section.

This button, located in the third quadrant, will only be enabled if the status of the cycle is not "Finished". Click on it to:
▪Start the execution of a planned cycle. See how to perform this operation in the Starting the execution of an evaluation plan cycle section. ▪Manage the employees and appraisers of the evaluation plan cycle. See how to perform this operation in the Managing the execution of an evaluation plan cycle section. ▪Manually close the execution of a cycle. See how to perform this operation in the Closing the execution of an evaluation plan cycle (manually) section. |

Click on this button, located in the third quadrant, to delete the cycle selected in the second quadrant.
Use the "Search filters" to easily retrieve records based on specific information.